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Office of Intelligence and Analysis

The Office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) is a unique member of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). I&A is the only IC element statutorily charged with delivering intelligence to our State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) and private sector partners, and developing intelligence from those partners for the Department and the IC.

Joseph B. Maher
Joseph B. Maher
Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary
Office of Intelligence and Analysis

I&A’s vision is to be a dominant and superior intelligence enterprise that drives intelligence integration at all levels. I&A specializes in sharing unique intelligence and analysis with operators and decision-makers to identify and mitigate threats to the homeland.

I&A’s main focus is to equip the Department with the intelligence and information it needs to keep the Homeland safe, secure, and resilient.

I&A balances its efforts on integration at the tactical level with providing strategic analysis on threats to the Homeland. I&A’s top priority is to align its intelligence resources across the Intelligence Enterprise (IE) to identify and enable the effective mitigation of threats.

Operating Principles

I&A accomplishes the Department’s mission by integrating intelligence into operations across DHS Components, its partners in state and local government and the private sector to identify, mitigate and respond to threats. These efforts are centered on specific operating principles:

  • Foster a fully synchronized, cohesive enterprise that integrates intelligence into operational functions and drives action through Mission Centers to mitigate all threats to the Homeland, including: Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Cyber, Economic Security, and Transnational Organized Crime.
  • Drive multi-directional information exchanges with State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT), private sector and foreign partners to fill critical information and intelligence gaps.
  • Produce strategic intelligence products that leverage law enforcement, unique DHS data and Intelligence Community (IC) holdings to facilitate intelligence-driven decision making by all levels of DHS leadership, other U.S. Government policymakers and SLTT partners.
  • Deliver access to data and systems, infrastructure and analytic expertise, mission readiness services and Intelligence Community (IC) capabilities to DHS Operational Components.
  • Ensure unique DHS datasets are available to Mission Centers, the IC and law enforcement partners to bolster collaborative government efforts to counter threats.
  • Provide unique data on immigration, travel and intelligence, analytic tools and technical infrastructure to assist the U.S. Government stand-up of the National Vetting Center.
  • Invest in our people, who are critical for achieving the above operating principles, by continuously enhancing our talent and leadership development to foster a cadre of high-performing Homeland Security intelligence professionals.


Last Published Date: August 7, 2020

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Dec 10

Washington, D.C. - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is announcing its first ever strategic framework on the implementation and responsible integration of Artificial Intelligence in the domestic security apparatus. The Strategy was developed in response to the Trump Administration’s Executive Order 13690 Principles for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Government. The plan emphasizes the principles necessary to maintain America’s competitive technological edge while balancing the Constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties of all Americans.  

Nov 2

Throughout the pandemic, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stood ready to assist communities across the nation in the fight against COVID-19.

Oct 26

For months, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has worked side by side with state, local, and private sector partners to ensure a safe and effective response to COVID-19 across its component offices.

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