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DHS Northern Border Strategy

The U.S.-Canada border is the longest common border in the world, and it joins two nations that enjoy one of the world’s strongest relationships. With communities and businesses that reach both sides of the border, the economies and security of the United States and Canada are inextricably linked.

DHS is focused on securing the U.S. northern border while expediting the flow of lawful travel, trade, and immigration. Cross-border communities contain significant populations that commute across the border every day and whose water or electrical power comes from the other country. Recognizing the cross-border nature of infrastructure and commerce is critical to DHS’s ability to effectively manage the northern border.

This 2012 DHS Northern Border Strategy (NBS) takes a Department-wide look at the northern border, considering all of DHS’s authorities, responsibilities, and capabilities in developing a cross-cutting all-missions approach.

Read the DHS Northern Border Strategy

Learn More

Fact Sheet: 2012 DHS Northern Border Strategy

Office of Immigration Statistics

Last Published Date: July 21, 2015

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