Contact the Smithsonian OIG

Office of the Inspector General

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General Information

Smithsonian Office of the Inspector General
PO Box 37012 MRC 524, Washington, DC 20013-7012

Phone: 202-633-7050    Fax: 202-633-7079

Reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse to the OIG Hotline

Use the OIG Hotline to report fraud, waste, or abuse in Smithsonian programs and operations, including mismanagement or violations of law, rules, or regulations by Smithsonian employees, contractors, volunteers, or other associated individuals.

For more information about submitting a hotline complaint by phone, email, or online form, go to the OIG Hotline page.

OIG Home

About the OIG

Contact OIG

Office of Audits

Office of Investigations

Reports and Other Publications

Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Related Links:

Link to  All federal Inspector General reports in one place.

Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency