United States Copyright Office

Library buildings are closed to the public until further notice, but the U.S. Copyright Office Catalog is available. More.

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Public Catalog

Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)
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Search Hints

Search Type Hint

- Omit initial articles (A, An, The, El, La, Das): King and I
- Type the entire title, or the first few words of the title, starting with the first word


- For personal names, type last name first name: Hillerman Tony
- For corporate names, type in order: Sony Music Entertainment; Walt Disney Company

For Claimant names, go to Other Search Options and select "Name: Claimant (KLCN)" from the Search by box. For personal names, type first name last name: James Michener. For corporate names, type in order: Metro Goldwyn Mayer

For Document names, go to Other Search Options and select either "Docs: Party1 Statement (K291)" or "Docs: Party2 (K292)", or "Docs Party1/2 (KPTY)" from the Search by box. For personal names, type first name last name: Stephen King. For corporate names, type in order: Warner Brother Pictures


- Searches word(s) anywhere in the record
- Retrieves records with at least one of your search words
- Use + before words that must appear in every record retrieved
- Use ! before words that must not appear in any record retrieved
- Use ? for truncation: photo? finds photograph, photographic, photographer
- Use "" to surround exact phrases: "war of the worlds"

Registration Number

- Omit spaces and hyphens
- Registration numbers must be 12 characters long. Type 2 letters followed by 10 digits, or 3 letters followed by 9 digits; add zeroes before the number:
VAu-598-764 is typed VAU000598764,
SR-320-918 is typed SR0000320918

Document Number

- Omit spaces and hyphens
- The number after the "v" is always 4 digits; the number after the "p" or "d" is always 3 digits
- V2606 P87 is typed V2606P087

Command Keyword

- Use index codes and Boolean operators
- Use ? for truncation: photo? finds photograph, photographic, photographer
- Use "" to surround exact phrases: "war of the worlds"

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