Photo:Nico Papafil

Nico Papafil

GSA | Washington, D.C.

Nico Papafil is the Director of 10x. Before assuming the director role, Nico supported the project and has held a variety of roles in GSA. When not working, Nico loves traveling and spending time with his wife and daughter.

News and Events

5 posts

Federal Crowdsourcing

Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series, Episode 15 — 10x: Transforming Technology Through Agile Investments

In this webinar, we will discuss GSA’s incremental investment program, 10x, which is modeled after modern venture capital best practices and start up studios.
Oct 29, 2020

10x Round Two: Submit Ideas by August 5

10x funds new ideas to help the federal government deliver better products and services.
Jul 22, 2020

The U.S. Data Federation graduates the 10x Program, Launches New Repository

GSA’s 10x program is proud and excited to announce the graduation of the U.S. Data Federation project, the first to exit 10x after receiving all four phases of 10x investment.
Jul 02, 2020

10x Announces 25 Projects to Start Phase One

10x, the federal venture studio, has approved 25 new projects for Phase One funding.
Apr 15, 2020

10x Project Lightning Talks

In this webinar, 10x project teams demonstrate their work to date and provide brief overviews of each project. Topics range from federating data to agile budgeting to machine learning, and our hope is that these talks will inspire others to submit ideas to 10x.
Jan 27, 2020

Findings From 10x’s Recent Round of Submissions

The 10x Program received over 237 submissions from 129 individuals across a range of federal agencies for ideas to help the federal government deliver better products and services.
Sep 17, 2019

An Introduction to 10x and How to Get Your Idea Funded

Learn how you can work with the new investment fund for technology products in the government.
Jul 17, 2019

Get Your Idea Funded Through 10x

Introducing a new investment fund for technology products in the federal government.
Jul 09, 2019