Search Help

Search Operators and Example Results

Operator Search Search Results
* test* Contains 0 or more wild characters: test, tests, tester, testing etc
? te?t Contains terms with the single character replaced: test, text, etc
~ test~ Contains terms similar in spelling: tests, rest, best, etc
OR pv OR photovoltaic Contains either term: pv or photovoltaic
AND geothermal AND reservoir Contains both terms: geothermal and reservoir
NOT lighting NOT daylighting Contains lighting but not daylighting
+ +geothermal reservoir Contains geothermal and may contain reservoir
() (lighting or daylighting) AND photovoltaic Contains either lighting or daylighting and contains photovoltaic

Advanced Search Options

Use the Advanced Search to see additional search options:

  • filter by research partner
  • filter by technology category
  • filter by date range
  • filter by document type (technology summary, patent/application, or software)
  • choose the number of results per page
  • search only within specific fields by checking the appropriate boxes.

Additional Tips

  • Leave search box empty to search all technology summaries, patent/applications and software.
  • To explore your search results:
    1. Click on a tab: Technology Summaries, Patents & Applications, or Software.
    2. Scroll to the next page by clicking PREVIOUS or NEXT.
    3. Sort the results by clicking the column name for ID, Title, Partner, or Date.
  • OR is the default operator.
    • If you search for geothermal reservoir, the search engine will automatically include the "OR" operator as follows:
    • geothermal OR reservoir
  • Operators must be ALL CAPS: AND, OR, NOT.
  • Operators * and ? cannot be used as the first character of a search.
  • The following special characters are part of the query syntax: + - && || ! () {} [] ^ " ~ * ? : \
    • To escape these special characters, use the \ before the character.
    • For example, to search for (1+1):2 you should enter \(1\+1\)\:2 into the search engine.
  • For additional search help, please visit the Lucene Query Parser Syntax page.