Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers participate in a wide variety of activities including diving, whale identification, beach cleanups, water quality monitoring, collecting field observations and surveys, acting as visitor center docents, and wildlife monitoring.


Citizen Science

Citizen science volunteers work with scientists to identify research questions, collect and analyze data, interpret results, make new discoveries, develop technologies,and solve complex problems.

Citizen Science

How You Can Take Action

NOAA has published a notice requesting comments on the methods, formulas, and rationale for the calculations it will use in order to assess fees associated with special use permits (SUPs).

Federal Register Notices

National Marine Sanctuary Foundation

The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation enhances national marine sanctuaries in their goal to protect essential U.S. marine areas and to ensure a healthy ocean.

NMS Foundation

Advisory Councils

Bringing together diverse community interests to strengthen the network of national marine sanctuaries and the nation's marine protected areas.

National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Councils

Site-focused, community-based councils advising National Marine Sanctuary System leadership

Sanctuary System Business Advisory Council

Program-focused council connecting the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries with national business interests


scuba diver with shipwreck and boat in background

Being a Sponsor

The National Marine Sanctuary System is authorized to seek and work with outside sponsors on important projects related to designating and managing national marine sanctuaries.

A woman using binoculars to whale watch from a beach

Sponsorship Guidelines

We are seeking partners with our shared mission of protecting and sharing special ocean places, and our shared ethics of integrity, positivity, and inclusivity. Learn more about how we select and work with our sponsors here

Two children cleaning up a beach

Sponsorship Opportunities

Our priorities for partners are focused on expanding our volunteer and citizen science programs, school education programs, and recreational recognition programs.

Scholarship Opportunities

NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries supports a variety of scholarship, internship, and volunteer programs for undergraduate and graduate students to gain hands-on experience while pursuing research and educational training in NOAA-mission sciences.

2017 hollings scholars

Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

The Hollings Scholarship Program provides successful undergraduate applicants with awards that include academic assistance (up to a maximum of $9,500 per year) for full-time study during the 9-month academic year and a 10-week, full-time internship position ($700/week) during the summer at a NOAA facility.

Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship recipents

Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship

The Undergraduate Scholarship Program provides an opportunity for rising junior students to study disciplines relating to NOAA's mission. Students attending Minority Serving Institutions (Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaskan-Native Serving Institutions, and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions) receive appointments to approved NOAA offices and sites upon acceptance to the program.

jessica hale observing otters through a telescope

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research – particularly by female and minority students – in NOAA mission-related sciences of oceanography, marine biology, and maritime archaeology, including all science, engineering, and resource management of ocean and coastal areas. Scholarship selections are based on academic excellence, letters of recommendations, research and career goals, and financial need.

Looking for more student opportunities?

NOAA supports a variety of programs for students at all points in their education. View all NOAA-supported student opportunities.


National Marine Sanctuary Foundation


NOAA Corps