Meaningful Measures Framework

CMS’s new comprehensive initiative “Meaningful Measures” was launched in 2017 and identifies high priority areas for quality measurement and improvement. Its purpose is to improve outcomes for patients, their families and providers while also reducing burden on clinicians and providers.

"At CMS, our overall vision is to reinvent the agency to put patients first. We want to partner with patients, providers, payers, and others to achieve this goal. We aim to be responsive to the needs of those we serve."

Administrator Seema Verma

Cross Cutting Connections

Meaningful Measures will move payment toward value through focusing everyone’s efforts on the same quality areas and lend specificity, with the following principles for identifying measures that:

  1. Address high impact measure areas that safeguard public health
  2. Patient-centered and meaningful to patients
  3. Outcome-based where possible
  4. Fulfill requirements in programs' statutes
  5. Minimize level of burden for providers
  6. Significant opportunity for improvement
  7. Address measure needs for population based payment through alternative payment models
  8. Align across programs and/or with other payers (Medicaid, commercial payers)

What happens now? What’s next?

There will be ongoing efforts to receive stakeholder input to further improve the Meaningful Measures Framework, work across CMS components to implement the Framework, and evaluate current measure sets and inform measure development. We encourage patients, providers, and stakeholders to submit feedback via our "Contact Us" page linked above.

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