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Anonymous Reporting of Research Misconduct Concerns

The Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR) is committed to full and open communication regarding possible research misconduct within the NIH Intramural Research Program. The form below allows for anonymous, electronic reporting of potential research misconduct concerns. To assist both the DDIR and the Agency Intramural Research Integrity Officer (AIRIO) in investigating your concern, please provide as much of the following information as is possible. You can choose to report anonymously or fill out the optional section six (6) if you agree to be contacted by the AIRIO for follow-up. You can choose to provide information for any or all of the questions below. You may also wish to consult confidentially with the NIH Ombudsman about your concerns. We encourage you to provide as much information as possible for the AIRIO to perform a thorough assessment of your concerns. Once the information is received, an assessment is conducted to determine whether a formal Inquiry is warranted. For more details on the process and what to expect please review A Guide to the Handling of Research Misconduct Allegations.

To report research misconduct involving extramural research contact OER-RI.

Research Misconduct Information
(for example, falsification of cell sorting data or verbatim plagiarism from a published paper)
(provide specifics like publication name and date, figure number, date and time of presentation. For example, "Figure 3C of Cell (year) vol: page by Smith, et. al." or "slides presented at lab meeting on May 10 by Susan Smith")
(for example, copy/paste plagiarism, re-use and re-label of data in different figures, cherry-picking/inappropriate data selection, partial enhancement of images by changing brightness and contrast of sections of a continuous image)
Optional Information
All information provided through this form will be kept confidential. Additionally, if you would like feedback on this event, please provide the following optional information. If you wish to speak to someone directly about this concern, please contact the AIRIO at 301-451-7764.
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The page was last updated on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 - 2:52pm