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Dr. James McFadden aboard NOAA WP-3D Orion on 14 May 2019
September 29, 2020

Dedicated public servant with 57 years of service was instrumental in designing and improving NOAA’s aerial research programs

Right Whale and Calf Spotted off the Coast of Georgia
April 16, 2020

Scientists aboard a NOAA Twin Otter spot signs of possible population growth for the endangered right whale species.

NOAA King Air Crew
April 16, 2020

You may know that hurricane season begins June 1, but the response work begins long before a storm ever forms.

NOAA Aircraft at the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center
April 16, 2020

City of Lakeland, Florida, will lease additional office and hangar space to NOAA.

NOAA G-IV on Runway at Portland International Airport
April 7, 2020

Project supported by NOAA's Gulfstream IV aircraft helps improve forecasts and understanding of atmospheric rivers.

NOAA WP-3D Off Coast of Ireland in February 2020
February 14, 2020

NOAA "hurricane hunter" aircraft is helping NOAA calibrate and validate data collected by weather satellite sensors.

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Docked in Hawaii
February 11, 2020

New ships will support a wide variety of missions, ranging from general oceanographic research and exploration to marine life, climate and ocean ecosystem studies.

NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown at sea
January 7, 2020

Six-week scientific campaign in the Caribbean will include ships, aircraft, autonomous vehicles, buoys and other tools to study the interactions between the ocean and atmosphere.

NOAA Ship Bigelow Conducts Autumn Bottom Trawl Surveys
December 20, 2019

The Rhode Island-based Henry B. Bigelow conducted a wide variety of activities to support fisheries management and study the ocean.


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