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Release of Pb(II) from Monochloramine-Mediated Reduction of Lead Oxide (PbO2)

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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1527
* Corresponding author phone: (65) 6516-4729 (Y.P.L.), (319) 335-5653 (R.L.V.); e-mail: [email protected] (Y.P.L.), [email protected] (R.L.V.).
†Current Address: Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576
Cite this: Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 24, 9137–9143
Publication Date (Web):November 11, 2008
Copyright © 2008 American Chemical Society
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A contributing factor causing the sudden release of excessive lead into drinking water is believed to involve the change in redox conditions occurring when monochloramine (NH2Cl) replaces free chlorine as a disinfectant. Studies suggest that NH2Cl cannot effectively oxidize Pb(II) to form PbO2, a Pb(IV) mineral scale formed from the oxidation of metallic lead and Pb(II) species by free chlorine. Unexpectedly, we observed that NH2Cl is actually capable of reducing PbO2 to form Pb(II). We systematically investigated this reaction by varying important water chemistry factors such as solution pH, total carbonate concentration, and the Cl/N molar ratio to control chloramine speciation and its rate of decomposition via a complex set of autodecomposition reactions. The amount of Pb(II) formed was found to be proportional to the amount of NH2Cl that autodecomposed regardless of the rate of this reaction. This implies that the rate of Pb(II) release is proportional to the absolute rate of NH2Cl decomposition. It is proposed that the species responsible for the reduction of PbO2 is likely a reactive intermediate produced during the decay of NH2Cl. This finding is the first to report that NH2Cl can act as a reductant.


Monochloramine, a disinfectant generally presumed an oxidant, can act as a reductant via a mechanism hypothesized to involve an intermediate formed from its decomposition.


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The change of disinfectant from free chlorine to monochloramine has been a strategy adopted by water utilities with difficulties to meet the standards of disinfection byproduct (DBPs) and maintain a sufficient disinfectant residual in the distribution system (1).
Recent public concern on this practice aroused from the abrupt rise of lead levels in Washington, DC, in 2003 (2, 3). Lead concentration as high as 4800 μg/L, about 300 times higher than the 15 μg/L action level of the 1991 Lead and Copper Rule set by the U.S. EPA (4), was found in the customer residence after the water utility adopted NH2Cl for secondary disinfection (3). Free chlorine is a strong oxidant and has been demonstrated to be able to oxidize metallic Pb((0)) and Pb(II) ion or solid phases to form PbO2, a Pb(IV) solid phase (2, 3, 5-9). PbO2 is a strong oxidant and almost insoluble (5). Its formation on inside pipes may help to reduce soluble Pb concentration to an acceptable level in systems that historically use free chlorine to maintain a disinfectant residual in the distribution system. It is believed that the switch to NH2Cl, a weaker oxidant than free chlorine, creates an environment with a lower oxidation potential that may limit the formation of PbO2 or alter the stability of PbO2(2, 10). The mechanisms and processes involving this release of lead are not yet well understood. However, recent work has shown that PbO2 is not stable in water and is slowly reduced, releasing Pb(II) into water (11). It is hypothesized that this is caused by the oxidation of water itself. In addition, natural organic matter is also capable of reducing PbO2(7, 11).
The initial motivation of this work was to investigate the influence of NH2Cl on the stability of PbO2 in water. The initial hypothesis was that the presence of NH2Cl would not significantly influence the rate of PbO2 reduction and subsequent Pb(II) formation. If anything, a minor reduction in the rate of Pb(II) release was expected because of the minor oxidation of Pb(II) resulting from the water-induced PbO2 reduction by the extremely low free chlorine concentration that exists in the NH2Cl equilibrium (Table S1, Supporting Information). This hypothesis was based on a thermodynamic argument that NH2Cl is slightly lower in redox potential than PbO2 around neutral pH so that NH2Cl can not directly oxidize Pb(II) to PbO2(10). Quite unexpectedly, we observed that the presence of NH2Cl greatly increased the rate of PbO2 reduction.
NH2Cl is not stable in water and autodecomposes primarily to nitrogen by a complex set of reactions (12, 13). While a comprehensive reaction model incorporating these reactions has been developed to successfully describe the autodecomposition of NH2Cl, some of these reactions have only been hypothesized to involve unidentified intermediates that must be redox active (12, 14, 15). Identification of these intermediates has been shown challenging (16-18), and only a few, such as amidogen radical (NH2) and hydrazine (N2H4), have been proposed (18). Both oxidation and reduction of substances are therefore theoretically possible in a system involving multiple oxidants and reductants. For example, both oxidations and reductions of organic substances have been observed in solutions of Fenton’s reagent, typically used as a source of the powerful oxidant hydroxyl radical (19-24).
It is hypothesized that the autodecomposition of NH2Cl, which results in its slow loss in solutions, can also cause the reduction of PbO2, presumably via the reduction by reactive intermediates. Furthermore, consideration of the NH2Cl autodecomposition mechanism also supports the idea that these intermediates should exist at pseudo-steady-state at exceedingly low concentrations in proportion to the rate of NH2Cl decay. If the rate of PbO2 reduction by an intermediate is first order in the concentration of intermediate, then the overall rate of PbO2 reduction should occur in proportion to the rate of NH2Cl decay resulting in a simple apparent stoichiometry between the amount of NH2Cl decomposed and the amount of Pb(II) produced for a given concentration of PbO2. The variables that increase the decay of NH2Cl should therefore also increase the rate of PbO2 reduction and Pb(II) formation.
The detailed reactions of NH2Cl autodecomposition is provided in the Supporting Information (Table S1). The overall rate of NH2Cl decay has been approximated by a second-order relationship (25)(1) where kvcsc is a water quality-dependent coefficient which can be described as (2) where CT and [NH3]T are total carbonate and free ammonia concentrations, respectively; α0 and α1 are the ionization constants for carbonate system, and α0,N is the ionization constant for the neutral ammonia species, which are all pH dependent; kH+, kH2CO3, and kHCO3 are rate constants that account for the general acid catalysis of NH2Cl loss; k3 is a rate constant characterizing the reaction between NH2Cl and hypochlorous acid to form dichloramine; Ke is an equilibrium constant describing dichloramine and hypochlorous acid equilibrium.
This approximation can be derived from the more comprehensive mechanism by assuming that the rate limiting reactions involve the formation and subsequent loss of dichloramine, which is maintained at pseudo-steady state (25-27). This assumption is reasonable only at pH 8 or above at NH2Cl concentrations generally less than about 0.1−0.2 mM. It is presented only as a way of easily seeing the influence of several water quality parameters on NH2Cl decay, not as an exact predictor. Integration of this relationship yields only an approximate relationship between NH2Cl concentration and time under all reaction conditions because free ammonia concentration increases as NH2Cl decomposes (25-27). However, this relationship is still useful in understanding monochloramine decay kinetics. This relationship indicates that the absolute rate of NH2Cl decay increases with increasing initial NH2Cl concentration, carbonate concentration, which acts as a general acid catalyst (28), and Cl/N molar ratio which influences the rate of NH2Cl hydrolysis. The decay of NH2Cl also increases with decreasing pH because of the acid-catalyzed dichloramine formation.
The objective of this study was to investigate how the reduction of PbO2 as measured by the subsequent formation of Pb(II) depends on the rate and extent of NH2Cl decay under conditions where its overall loss was governed by autodecomposition. Systematic studies were conducted over a range of water quality parameters including initial NH2Cl concentration, pH, total carbonate concentration, and Cl/N molar ratio that can greatly influence the rate of NH2Cl decay and encompass the conditions typically encountered in drinking water supplies subjected to chloramination.

Material and Methods

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Reagent grade ammonia chloride and sodium bicarbonate (Fisher Scientific) were used as the source ammonia and total carbonate. Deionized water obtained from a Barnstead ULTRO pure water system (Barnstead-Thermolyne Corp.) was used to prepare working solutions. Stock NH2Cl (∼3.95 mM or 280 mg/L as Cl2) was freshly prepared by the addition of concentrated NaOCl solution (∼1 M, Fisher Scientific) to a carbonate-buffered ammonium chloride solution according to the published procedures (14). This NH2Cl stock solution was calibrated by the DPD-FAS method before use. Ammonia concentration was varied to prepare NH2Cl solutions with different Cl/N molar ratios.

Lead Oxide

PbO2 particles were prepared in our laboratory as follows: To 250 mL of 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 solution, the desired amount concentrated NaOCl solution (∼1M, Fisher Scientific) was added to make a solution with a NaOCl/Pb2+ molar ratio of 1.1. A white-yellow solid phase quickly precipitated and turned into brown-reddish color as the reaction proceeded. After 24 h, the brown-reddish slurry was transferred to several 50 mL polypropylene tubes and centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 6 min. The supernatant was decanted and replaced with deionized water. The new slurry was centrifuged again. The above procedure was repeated several times to remove Pb2+ as much as possible. The solid phase was then transferred to a dialysis membrane tube (MWCO = 6−8000, Spectra/Por) submerged in a DI water bath with regular change of the DI water for three days to remove residual Pb2+. The solid phase was collected in polypropylene tubes followed by centrifuge and decanting the supernatant. Dry particles were obtained by freeze-drying the solid phase. Final solid phase weighted 3.34 g, approximately 55.8% recovery of the added Pb2+. Most of the unrecovered lead was due to the attachment of particles on the container walls and loss during the solid transfer. A dialysis membrane was used to remove residual Pb(II) because PbO2 is reduced to Pb(II) at low pH (11).
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the PbO2 particles is shown in Figure S1 in the Supporting Information. The size of individual particles was less than 100 nm. However, the primary particles appeared to be composed of small particles that had aggregated. The specific surface area determined by 7-point BET method was 24.29 m2/g. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the particles is shown in Figure S2 in the Supporting Information. The diffraction pattern indicated that the laboratory-prepared PbO2 is plattnerite, a tetragonal polymorph of PbO2 that has been found in distribution systems (6, 29)

PbO2 Reduction Studies

Experiments were conducted headspace-free using 125 mL polypropylene bottles covered by aluminum foil at 25 °C. All experiments utilized 10 mg/L of PbO2, an amount which did not significantly influence the rate of NH2Cl autodecomposition. Solution pH values were adjusted by 1 N HNO3 and NaOH. Experimental variables investigated including initial NH2Cl concentration (14.1, 42.3, and 70.4 μM or 1, 3, and 5 mg/L as Cl2), solution pH (6.0, 7.0, and 8.0), total carbonate concentration from added bicarbonate (CT = 2, 5 and 10 mM) and Cl/N molar ratio (0.2, 0.5 and 0.7). After they were filled with the working solution, the polypropylene bottles were placed on a shaking table rotating at 200 rpm. The Pb(II) concentration, NH2Cl residual, and solution pH value were periodically measured over a course of 7 days. The variations of pH values during the course of the experiments were within target pH ±0.2.

Analytical Methods

NH2Cl concentration was measured by a modified iodometric method. Because iodide can react with PbO2 to produce a positive interference in this method (30), 5 mL of solution was filtered by a nylon syringe filter with a 0.2 μm pore size (Fisher Scientific) to remove PbO2 particle aggregates before NH2Cl measurement; 50 μL of acetate buffer was added to the filtrate to adjust the pH to about 4. Sufficient potassium iodide was then added to the filtrate to allow the oxidation of iodide by NH2Cl. The triiodate (I3) liberated from the oxidation was determined by its UV absorbance at 351 nm using a predetermined molar absorbance of 23 325 cm−1 M−1. This method showed comparable results with the widely used DPD-FAS method (less than 10% difference) with the advantage that a much smaller sample volume was required.
A Nano-Band Explorer II (TraceDetect, Seattle) anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) was used for total Pb(II) measurements (11). The pH value of unfiltered sample taken from the well mixed solution was adjusted to 4 by addition 0.1 M acetate buffer. At this pH value, colloidal and Pb(II) carbonate solid phases quickly dissolve to soluble Pb2+ ion (31, 32). Thus, total Pb(II) including soluble, colloidal, and solid Pb(II) is measured by the ASV. A Hitachi S-4000 scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for acquiring the images of PbO2 particles. The Xay-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern was determined by a MiniFlex II desktop X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku Americas). The solution pH value was measured by an Accument pH meter (A15, Fisher Scientific) coupled with a calomel combination pH electrode pre-equilibrated by standard buffers.

Results and Discussion

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PbO2 Reduction Dependence on Initial NH2Cl Concentration and NH2Cl Decay

Figure 1 graphically shows the loss of NH2Cl concentration, formation of total Pb(II) with time, and the amount of total Pb(II) produced as a function of the change in NH2Cl concentration for experiments conducted using initial NH2Cl concentration of 14.1, 42.3, and 70.4 μM (1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 mg/L as Cl2). The decay of NH2Cl approximately followed the second-order kinetics described in eq 1 and the decay rate was faster at the higher initial NH2Cl concentration (see Figure S2 in Supporting Information for the second-order kinetics plot). It should be pointed out that the presence of 10 mg/L PbO2 only slightly influenced the rate of NH2Cl decay (Figure 1a). The rate of total Pb(II) formation increased with increasing initial NH2Cl concentration (Figure 1b), which was concurrent with the trend of NH2Cl decay rate. A linear relationship between total Pb(II) formation and loss in NH2Cl was observed (Figure 1c), which is consistent with the hypothesis that PbO2 reduction is caused by a reaction with an intermediate that is linearly related to the decay of NH2Cl. In a control experiment in the absence of NH2Cl, Pb(II) was formed but at a greatly reduced rate, with a concentration of 0.31 μM (65 μg/L) formed after 7 days (Figure 1b). This has been attributed to a water-induced PbO2 reduction (11). We hypothesize that the water reaction may occur in parallel to the NH2Cl-induced PbO2 reduction, although it may not be significant when a high concentration of NH2Cl is present. The SEM image of the solid phase after the experiment with 70.4 μM NH2Cl is shown in Figure 2. A secondary solid phase was formed discretely. The identity of this solid was not certain because of the limited amount of sample that could not be analyzed by XRD. However, based on the solution composition and solubility consideration, this solid phase should be either cerrusite (PbCO3) or hydrocerrusite (Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2) (33). The discrete solid phase did not form a passivating layer to physically protect PbO2 from being reduced to form Pb(II) in NH2Cl solutions. However, it can provide a sink to regulate soluble Pb(II) concentration (i.e., Pb2+ and Pb(II)−carbonate complex).

Figure 1

Figure 1. Effect of NH2Cl concentration on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, (b) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, and (c) total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). Fixed experimental parameters: PbO2 = 10 mg/L, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

Figure 2

Figure 2. SEM image of the solid phase after 7 day experiment. NH2Cl = 70.4 μM, PbO2 = 10 mg/L, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7.

Influence of Solution pH

Figure 3 summarizes the results for experiments conducted at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 at a constant initial NH2Cl concentration, carbonate concentration, and Cl/N ratio. The Pb(II) formation from control experiments in the absence of NH2Cl is shown in the Supporting Information. The decay of NH2Cl is controlled by the rate-determining step that is believed to be the formation of dichloramine (NHCl2), a product of NH2Cl hydrolysis and disproportionation that quickly decomposes upon its formation (12, 34). Dichloramine formation is enhanced at lower pH and, in turn, leads to the faster decay of monochloramine at lower pH as observed in our experiments (Figure 3a). For the control experiment without PbO2 conducted at pH 7.0, the rate of NH2Cl decay was only slightly slower than that in the presence of PbO2. The rates of total Pb(II) formation increased with decreasing solution pH value. At pH 6.0, the rate of total Pb(II) formation sharply decreased after 2 days (Figure 3b), which was accompanied by a decrease in NH2Cl decomposition rate. The exhaustion of the most reactive sites on the PbO2 surface may also contribute to the decrease in total Pb(II) formation. Figure 3c again shows that total Pb(II) formation is linearly related to the amount of NH2Cl decomposed.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Effect of solution pH on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, (b) total Pb(II) formation as a function of time, and (c) total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

Influence of Total Carbonate Concentration, CT

The rates of NH2Cl decay and total Pb(II) formation increased with increasing total carbonate concentration at a constant pH and Cl/N molar ratio (Figure 4a and b). The increasing rate of NH2Cl decay with increasing CT can be attributed to the general-acid catalyzed nature of the NH2Cl disproportionation (14, 28). Valentine and Jafvert (28) experimentally determined the general-acid catalyzed NH2Cl disproportionation by sulfate and phosphate, and proposed that carbonate may act at the same fashion based on a linear free energy relationship (LFER), which was later experimentally demonstrated by Vikesland et. al (14). Our results are consistent with this nature of NH2Cl decay. In the control experiment without PbO2 conducted at 10 mM, CT, no statistically significant difference was observed for the NH2Cl decay when comparing to that in the presence of PbO2. Figure 4c shows that the amount of lead formed is linearly related to NH2Cl decay.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Effect of total carbonate concentration on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, (b) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, and (c) NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, pH 7.0, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

Influence of Cl/N Molar Ratio

The rates of NH2Cl decay and total Pb(II) formation increased with increasing Cl/N molar ratio (Figure 5a and b). The free ammonia content of the working solution increased as the Cl/N ratio decreased because a fixed free chlorine concentration was used to prepare these NH2Cl solutions. Ammonia is the product of the NH2Cl hydrolysis and disporportionation, the reactions that lead to the decay of NH2Cl (12). The stability of NH2Cl increases with increasing ammonia concentration (or decreasing Cl/N molar ratio) because of the greater backward rates of NH2Cl hydrolysis and disporportionation (14). The slower decay rate of NH2Cl at a smaller Cl/N molar ratio was consistent with this reaction scheme of NH2Cl decomposition. Figure 5(c) shows a similar linear relationship between Pb(II) formation and NH2Cl decay.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Effect of Cl/N molar ratio on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, (b) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, and (c) NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

Comparison of Correlations between PbO2 Reduction and NH2Cl Autodecomposition

The formation of total Pb(II) was related to NH2Cl loss by a single linear relationship that was independent of how the rate of NH2Cl autodecomposition was controlled (Figure 6). The overall slope of 0.204(±0.011) is statistically identical to the slopes of the linear relationships obtained by varying one parameter at a time (Table 1).

Figure 6

Figure 6. Summary plot of total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay.

Table 1. Equations of Least-Square Linear Regression between Total Pb(II) Formation and ΔNH2Cl for Each Water Parameter with a 95% Confidence Level in the Slopea
water parameterleast-square linear regression equation
NH2Cly = 0.169(±0.015)x − 0.039, r2 = 0.938
pH valuey = 0.210(±0.018)x − 0.046, r2 = 0.947
total carbonatey = 0.206(±0.020)x − 0.119, r2 = 0.931
Cl/N molar ratioy = 0.173(±0.022)x − 0.038, r2 = 0.908

y: total Pb(II) formation (μM). x: ΔNH2Cl (μM).

The linear relationship supports the hypothesis that the autodecomposition of NH2Cl leads to the formation of total Pb(II) (or the reduction of PbO2) and that the product(s) from the NH2Cl decomposition should be responsible for this instead of a direct reaction with NH2Cl. On the basis of this linear relationship, the rate of total Pb(II) formation in NH2Cl solutions can be approximated by the following equation: (3) where α is a constant approximately equal to 0.2 in the present study. While it is tempting to interpret the constant as a measure of a true stoichiometry of approximately 1 μM Pb(II) formed to 5 μM of NH2Cl decomposed, this is not likely because the value of α is expected to depend on the type, size, and concentration of PbO2(30) and can only be determined by experiments. Increasing the amount of PbO2 should increase the amount of total Pb(II) formed in the presence of independently autodecomposing monochloramine.
The nature of the reaction causing the formation of Pb(II) in the presence of NH2Cl is hypothesized to involve a reaction of a reactive intermediate produced during the relatively slow NH2Cl autodecomposition. The reduction of PbO2 by free ammonia can be ruled out because we observed a slower rate of total Pb(II) formation at lower Cl/N ratio (or higher free ammonia concentration). It should be noted that the rate of NH2Cl decomposition under our experimental conditions was approximately second-order with respect to NH2Cl concentration (see Figures S3−S6 in Supporting Information); therefore, the formation of total Pb(II) should also be similarly approximately second-order with respect to NH2Cl concentration as shown in eq 3.

Environmental Significance

Monochloramine has been widely considered as an alternative disinfectant by water utilities to combat the formation of DBPs when an unacceptable level occurs. However, field evidence has suggested that NH2Cl may alter the stability of lead-containing scale, primarily PbO2 and result in a hazardous level of lead in drinking water (2, 3, 35). In this study, we revealed that total Pb(II) formation from the reduction of PbO2 is attributed to the decomposition of NH2Cl, presumably by an unidentified intermediate formed in the autodecomposition reactions. The water chemistry that enhances the decomposition, including a higher initial NH2Cl concentration, lower solution pH, higher total carbonate concentration, and higher Cl/N molar ratio, can in turn enhance the formation of total Pb(II). These water parameters need to be carefully evaluated for lead release when a water utility attempts to use monochloramine for secondary disinfection. Additional studies focused on the identification of the intermediate that leads to PbO2 reduction are warranted because they may help to develop a strategy to eliminate the undesired lead release while still take the advantage of monochloramine in water treatments.

Supporting Information

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Additional table of NH2Cl autodecomposition reactions and figures of PbO2 SEM images, and second-order plots of monochloramine decay. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.

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Author Information

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This work was supported by a grant from the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (Project No. 3172). The assistance of ASV measurements from TraceDetect was greatly appreciated.


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    Zhang, P. C.; Ryan, J. A. Transformation of Pb(II) from cerrusite to chloropyromorphite in the presence of hydroxyapatite under varying conditions of pH Environ. Sci. Technol. 1999, 33, 625 630
  32. 32
    Zhang, P. C.; Ryan, J. A.; Yang, J. In vitro soil Pb solubility in the presence of hydroxyapatite Environ. Sci. Technol. 1998, 32, 2763 2768
  33. 33
    Schock, M. R.; Wagner, I.; Oliphant, R. J. Corrosion and solubility of lead in drinking water. In Internal Corrosion of Water Distribution Systems; AWWA Research Foundation and American Water Works Association :Denver, CO, 1996.
  34. 34
    Vikesland, P. J.; Ozekin, K.; Valentine, R. L. Effect of natural organic matter on monochloramine decomposition: Pathway elucidation through the use of mass and redox balances Environ. Sci. Technol. 1998, 32, 1409 1416
  35. 35
    Renner, R. Chloramines again linked to lead in drinking water Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, 314A 314A

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  • Figure 1

    Figure 1. Effect of NH2Cl concentration on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, (b) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, and (c) total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). Fixed experimental parameters: PbO2 = 10 mg/L, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2. SEM image of the solid phase after 7 day experiment. NH2Cl = 70.4 μM, PbO2 = 10 mg/L, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3. Effect of solution pH on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, (b) total Pb(II) formation as a function of time, and (c) total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, CT = 5 mM, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

    Figure 4

    Figure 4. Effect of total carbonate concentration on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, (b) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, and (c) NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, pH 7.0, Cl/N = 0.7. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

    Figure 5

    Figure 5. Effect of Cl/N molar ratio on the formation of total Pb(II) and NH2Cl decay: (a) total Pb(II) formation as a functiom of time, (b) NH2Cl decay as a function of time, and (c) NH2Cl decay vs total Pb(II) formation (data of duplicate experiments were shown by separate points). PbO2 = 10 mg/L, NH2Cl = 42.3 μM, pH 7.0, CT = 5 mM. In control experiment for NH2Cl decay, no PbO2 was added.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6. Summary plot of total Pb(II) formation vs NH2Cl decay.

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    Additional table of NH2Cl autodecomposition reactions and figures of PbO2 SEM images, and second-order plots of monochloramine decay. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.

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