CITES at work

First post-CoP17 CITES-led workshop addresses livelihoods of the poor rural communities. Read more

CITES Secretary-General's intervention at Hanoi Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade

CITES CoP17 – A CoP of “Firsts” and a Turning Point for the World’s Wildlife. Read more

Largest ever World Wildlife Conference hailed as a ‘game changer’. Read more

UN issues stamps to commemorate the World Wildlife Conference as #CoP17 kicks off in South Africa. Read more

Sharks and rays high on CITES #CoP17 agenda. Read more

CITES and CBD Parties jointly prepare for key global meetings. Read more

CITES calendar

  • 21-24 January: IOTC/WWF Data Collection Workshop 21-24 January 2017 (Qeshm Island, Islamic Republic of Iran)
  • 18-21 July:

    Twenty-ninth meeting of the Animals Committee, Geneva, Switzerland

  • 22 July 2017:

    Joint sessions of the 29th meeting of the Animals Committee and 23rd meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • 24-27 July:

    Twenty-third meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva, Switzerland

  • 27 November-01 December:

    69th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, CICG, Geneva, Switzerland.