US Army Corps of Engineers
Portland District Website

The Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center campus sits on a 450-foot-tall basalt-rock hill south of downtown.
Whatever else Anthony Johnson could say about his military service, it at least gave him a friend who cared enough to hide Johnson’s pistol away from him at a time when he might have used it to end his own life.
Kyle Anderson, a Corps' electrician at Lookout Point Dam is also a volunteer firefighter who was called into action when the Holiday Farm Wild Fire threatened his his hometown of Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
The wildfires that closed in on the Corps’ 13-dam system in the Willamette Valley caused minor damage at four dam sites.
A conversation with Jim Day, fisheries biological technician at The Dalles Lock and Dam.
Bud Ossey is probably one of the only people alive today who was there on the cool morning of Sept. 28, 1937, when President Franklin Roosevelt dedicated a brand spanking new Bonneville Dam to the American public.



Crowded crest in Portland confronts crafty crew of engineers, planners
The Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center campus sits on a 450-foot-tall basalt-rock hill south of downtown. Marquam Hill, also known as “Pill Hill” due to the amount of medical facilities...
John Day Dam Oil Leak Spills into Columbia River
Maintenance technicians at John Day Dam estimated 63 gallons of oil spilled into the Columbia River from a pinhole leak in a turbine guide bearing chiller uncovered on Monday, Dec. 7...
Turbine at The Dalles Dam spills up to 200 gallons of oil, Corps deploys booms, skimmers and removes unit from service
On Thursday, Dec. 3, a thrust hub cooling water pipe broke, spilling up to 200 gallons of oil into the Columbia River at The Dalles Dam. The equipment is part of a fish unit turbine designed to...

Public Notices

Draft EA: Pendleton Levee 1b Repairs
Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) plans to repair parts of the Pendleton 1b Levee, near downtown Pendleton, Oregon...
Woodland Islands Integrated Feasibility Study & Final Environmental Assessment for Beneficial Use of Dredged Material
Portland District has finalized the Integrated Feasibility Study & Environmental Assessment and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Woodlands Islands restoration project...
Draft FONSI: The Dalles and John Day Mitigation Program
Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) is seeking public comment on the draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for The Dalles...