Roadway Designer Manual: 6 - Cross Section Labeling


Cross Section Labeling automates the composition and placement of plan labels onto cross sections. The Cross Section Labeler dialog allows the user to decide where to place labels.

Cross Section Labeler dialog

Figure 1

Many options are available for placing proposed feature labels, existing feature labels and labels for right-of-way features. Subgrade offset and elevation labels can also be placed.

When the labels have been defined using the Cross Section Labeler dialog, click Place Cross Section Labels. The software draws the labels for all selected points on the cross sections starting from the station defined as Begin Station to the station defined as the End Station.

Place Labels portion of Cross Section Labeler dialog

Figure 2

Accessing Cross Section Labeler

The Cross Section Labeler is accessed through the Corridor Modeler dialog using the icon located at the top of the dialog. This opens the Cross Section Labeler dialog, where preferences and settings are made to control what is labeled on each cross section.

Location of Cross Section Labeler on Corridor Modeling dialog

Figure 3

When opened the labeler accesses a default settings file which has an .xsl extension. This settings file has been created with FLH default label settings for most labels.

ImportantThe default preferences file, XSLabeler_Settings.xsl, will be loaded.  This file cannot be saved back to the resource area and if changes are made, should be saved in the working directory customized future use.

Cross Section Labeler dialog with Settings highlighted

Figure 4

XS Labeler Settings

The XSLabeler_Settings file can be accessed via the Edit button to expose all settings available for every type of label. Some settings will be unique to individual projects and may need adjusting by the user.  For example additional points may be included or excluded from point’s lists for various label types depending on the project preference.

This file cannot be saved back to the resource area if changes are made.

ImportantIf changes are made to the XSLabeler_Settings.xsl file, be sure to save the file in the working directory future use.

XS Labeling Settings dialog

Figure 5

Label Definition

The Label Definition portion of the dialog is where the Definition for each label is set so the application knows what to look for in order to label. Each type of label has different settings for the Label Definition.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Label Definition highlighted

Figure 6

The Name field is simply the name of the definition and it isn’t related to the text that is placed. The text placed can be seen by clicking the “Text” node in the tree view. 

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Text highlighted in the tree view

Figure 7

ImportantNotice there are two “Text” options in the tree view for this label.  One setting is for the “C” and another is for the “L” that composes the label.  Each has its own component settings.

The default Settings file contains default text location and symbologies settings for all labels however they can be changed at any time.

For this type of label the Type field is set to Point and the Source is a cross section point. The Cross Section Labeler will search for the points listed in the Point Sets window, in this case the default is Pvmt_CL_LayerTop.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Label Definition highlighted

Figure 8

Calculated Text

For labels that require calculated text such as elevations or offsets, the settings key on special characters in order to perform the calculation. Such is the case with the example shown below for Design Grade Elevation of the centerline point. The “$EL” triggers the application to pull the elevation of the centerline point from the model and insert it into the text string.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Text highlighted under Text Label Component

Figure 9

Calculated Text Inserts Format

A Calculated Text Insert (CTI) is required to be in the following form:


Where: AAA represents the Calculate Code, BBB represents the Number Format

Calculate Codes

Calculate Codes are specific codes that indicate to the application what value to calculate and place in the label.  Below is the list of valid Calculate Codes:

Code - Description Information
ST – Station The station of the current cross section will be inserted with the given number format
OF – Offset The offset of the point being labeled will be inserted with the given number format
SD – Side The side (LT/RT) will be inserted (no number format is required for this code)
EL – Elevation The elevation of the point being labeled will be inserted with the given number format
EL[CCC] – Elevation of alternate point The elevation of the alternate point name (CCC) will be inserted with the given number format
GEL – Ground Elevation The point being labeled will be draped to the existing ground element and that elevation will be inserted with the given number format
GEL[CCC] – Ground Elevation of Alternate Point The alternate point (CCC) will be draped to the existing ground element and that elevation will be inserted with the given number format
SL – Slope The slope of the feature or point-pair will be inserted with the given number format

Number Formats

Number Formats are, for the most part, standard format strings used by several programming languages.  They mainly define the number of decimal places (automatically rounded), with a few additional options.  Below are the formats used by the XSLabeler application (using 123.456 as the number being formatted):

#0 123
#0.0 123.5
#0.00 123.46
#0+00.0 1+23.5
#0.00% 123.46%
1:#0 1:123

An example of a final calculated text insert, Sta. $ST#0+00.00, is shown below:

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Text highlighted under Text Label Component with cross section result

Figure 10

Labeling Existing Features

Existing features are easily labeled by referencing elements located in a designated model from a DGN. These existing feature labels are set up with default settings in the default label settings file.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Existing Edge of Pavement selected under Label Groups

Figure 11

The Label Definition defines the Name, Type and Source as the other features do. It also allows for entry of a Surface if the label contains an Elevation. The actual feature (point) to be searched is added to the Features window.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Existing Edge of Pavement selected under Label Groups and Label Definition highlighted

Figure 12

Use the Define Symbology button to open the Search Attributes dialog.

Define Symbology button highlighted on Label Definition portion of XS Labeling Settings dialog

Figure 13

The Match Attributes button can be used to select the feature from the plan.

Search Attributes dialog with Match highlighted pointing to element in plan

Figure 14

The DGN and model to be searched is defined on the main labeling dialog.

Cross Section Labeler dialog with DGN and Model highlighted.

Figure 15

Placing Labels

When the Place Cross Section Label button is selected each cross section is labeled with the desired settings.

Cross Section shown in MicroStation

Figure 16

A dialog appears to allow for stepping through each cross section to monitor the labeling as well as an option to Abort the process at any time.

Moving Labels

Cross Section Labels are easily moved using the Move Labels option on the bottom of the main dialog. The VCR type button allows for navigation to the desired cross section and then selecting the Move Label will allow for the adjustment of any of the previously placed labels.

XS Labeling Settings dialog with Move Labels highlighted

Figure 17





To access this workflow, follow this link: Cross Section Labeling Workflow

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