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In the past decade, research data have become widely recognized as a critical national and global resource, and the risks of losing or mismanaging research data can have severe economic and social consequences. The proliferation of artificial intelligence approaches in all fields has created a huge demand for trustworthy research data in both the natural (e.g., chemistry) and social (e.g., economics) sciences. To address these issues, NIST initiated a new, multi-stakeholder project in fall 2019 entitled the Research Data Framework (RDaF). The RDaF will provide the stakeholder community with a structured approach to develop a customizable strategy for various roles in the research data management ecosystem.

Download the Preliminary RDaF document (PDF). 


This research data lifecycle has six stages: Envision; Plan; Generate/Acquire; Process/Analyze; Share/Use/Reuse; and Preserve/Discard

What is a Research Data Framework?

  • A map of the research data space:  who, what, where, why, when?
  • A dynamic guide for the various stakeholders in research data to understand best practices for research data management and dissemination
  • A resource for understanding costs, benefits, and risks associated with research data management
  • A consensus document based on inputs and conversations amongst the stakeholders in research data
  • A tool that may be used to change the research data management culture in an organization

The Preliminary RDaF

The structure of the RDaF follows that of the NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Frameworks, which consist of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Profiles, and Implementation Tiers.

The Framework Core has four elements:

  • Functions organize foundational research data management activities at their highest level. As depicted in the figure below, lifecycle approach was selected as the organizing concept of the Framework Core.
  • Categories are the subdivisions of a Function into groups of research data management topics closely tied to programmatic needs and activities.
  • Subcategories further divide a Category into specific topics related to technical and/or management activities.
  • Informative References are standards, guidelines, and practices associated with a Subcategory that provide the means to address a research data management topic.

Framework Profiles enable the RDaF to be tailored to different levels of stakeholders/users from a CEO to an individual researcher. To develop a Framework Profile, an organization will review all the Categories and Subcategories and, considering research/business drivers, determine which are relevant for an organizational unit and/or job function. Categories and Subcategories can be added as needed to fully adapt the RDaF to the specific need or use. Framework Profiles can be used to conduct self-assessments of research data management and communicate the results within an organization or between organizations.

Implementation Tiers are under development and are not available in the current version of the RDaF.

Next Steps

The objective of the next phase in the development of the RDaF is to test the applicability and usefulness of the Framework Core in Appendix A. To accomplish this objective, two concurrent pilot studies—one in Materials Science and the other in Research Universities, including librarian and publisher roles—will be conducted.  

How can you or your organization become involved in the RDaF development?

  • Contact Robert Hanisch, robert.hanisch@nist or Debbie Kaiser,
  • Organize and host an informational webinar on the RDaF
  • Assist with the pilot studies through, e.g., identification of participants and organization of e-meetings on relevant topics
  • Identify informative references, both existing and under development, that are associated with the Subcategories in the RDaF Framework Core
  • Promulgate the RDaF through engagement and outreach activities at relevant technical events and venues
  • Publish notices concerning the RDaF in topical newsletters, journals, and social media

Presentations, Documents, and Other Related Information

Hanisch: STM presentation

NIST Cybersecurity Framework             NIST Privacy Framework

RDaF Steering Committee




Laura Biven

Department of Energy


Merce Crosas

Harvard University


Joshua Greenberg

Sloan Foundation

Funder, private foundation

Hilary Hanahoe

Research Data Alliance

International data organization

Heather Joseph

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition

A non-gov't advocacy organization, libraries

Mark Leggott

Research Data Canada

Multi-stakeholder partnership

Barend Mons

Leiden University, CODATA, GO-FAIR

International data organization

Beth Plale

National Science Foundation

Government, funder

Anita de Waard


Scholarly publisher, private sector

Created November 2, 2020, Updated December 1, 2020