U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

U.S. Department of State

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Office of Allowances
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Department of State Standardized Regulations   - (Section 540 last updated 9/26/2010)




541 Eligibility Requirement (eff. interim 9/26/2010 TL:SR-743)


To become eligible for hardship differential other than that provided in Section 533 while the employee is absent from the post on detail, he/she must have served, during any one period of absence, 42 days (Section 511d) on detail at one or more differential posts or places designated for non-foreign area differential (not places designated for non-foreign area cost-of-living allowance) by the Office of Personnel Management in Part 591 of Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations.  Once the initial eligibility period has been acquired, the hardship differential prescribed for the post may commence beginning on the 43rd day.  After the initial eligibility period has been obtained, the service at the detail post(s) is deemed uninterrupted by travel of the employee to the United States, when such travel is for the convenience of the Government and does not exceed fourteen consecutive days.



*Detail at a Danger Pay Post with Current or Recent U.S. Military Involvement in Hostilities

*a. An employee who serves for a period of 42 consecutive days or more on detail at a hardship differential post (DSSR 511c) may be granted the hardship differential at the prescribed rate for the number of days served, beginning the first day of detail, where (1) the Secretary of State determines that a significant number of U.S. military personnel in country are or have been involved in hostilities, and (2) a danger pay designation currently exists.  See DSSR 920, footnote “n”.  The hardship differential eligibility shall continue during periods of leave and other absences from the footnote “n” posts, including travel to the U.S for 30 days or less.   Leave of 30 days or less will not interrupt the hardship differential for either eligibility or payment purposes. (eff. interim 9/26/2010 TL:SR-743)  

b. An employee on leave from a footnote ‘n’ post for more than 30 days will be required to meet the 42-day eligibility requirement on return to a hardship differential post.

542 Applicable Rates


After acquiring eligibility as described in Section 541, the hardship differential for subsequent days of detail at differential posts during that period of absence shall be granted at the rate prescribed for each such differential post.  This section shall also apply to an employee who has no post.  Note:  Hardship Differential is paid only for hours for which basic compensation is paid.