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State Profile Tool Grant Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded $1,495,162 in supplemental funding to seven of the existing State Profile Tool grants in fiscal year 2010.

The State Profile Tool grant program is designed to:

  1. Help states take a critical first step in assessing their individual state long-term support systems with the completion of the “State Profile Tool”
  2. Provide support to states as they partner with CMS and National Balancing Indicators Project (NBIP) to develop a national set of balancing indicators and enhance their state data systems capacity.

Grantee Activity

Supplemental awards will enable current grantees to continue and expand their work. Over a two-year period grantees will:

  1. Field test two American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) surveys that assess state long term services and supports available to older adults and other adults with disabilities
  2. Test refined measures that result from a crosswalk of other indicator projects at both the Officer of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and the AARP
  3. Test new measures that result from the above-mentioned crosswalk, as well as provide CMS with information on data collection challenges and gaps
  4. Update the State Profile Tool developed in Phase I of the grant program to include a chapter on quality measures that identifies the quality measures currently collected by the state and explains how they are used