Library of CongressVerified account


World’s largest library. Explore collections, services & plan a visit. Follow to meet Carla Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress.

Washington, DC
Joined June 2007

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 18

    Special hours for inauguration week: Library closed Jan 19-22.

  2. Inauguration Trivia: Who was the 1st and only president to take his oath of office on an airplane

  3. Paul Cezanne, post-impressionist painter whose work foreshadowed modern art, born 1839

  4. 21 hours ago

    Welcomed President-Elect to . He'll be using the Lincoln Bible from the Library's collection on Fri.

  5. Today in History: seminal American author Edgar Allan Poe born, 1809

  6. The Library is CLOSED today through Jan 22 due to events related to the presidential inauguration.

  7. Jan 18

    NEXT WEEK at the Library: Young Readers Center Saturday grand opening Jan. 28 at 9:30 a.m.

  8. Jan 18

    Inauguration Trivia: JFK was the last president to wear what traditional item of clothing to his inauguration?

  9. Jan 18
  10. Jan 18

    Get Ready: From 2/6 - 3/10, read Chpt. 3 of “Catalina Neon” & help the Poet Laureate continue Catalina’s story!

  11. Jan 18

    1803 Thomas Jefferson commissioned the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the west.

  12. Jan 18

    the Jan./Feb. issue of LC Magazine is available. All things 'presidential', from ballots to inaugurations.

  13. Jan 18
  14. Jan 17

    Rich online treasures: World War I poster art told stories & compelled public action

  15. Jan 17
  16. Jan 17

    Don't forget: 10 Reasons You Should Want To Be A Junior Fellow. Application deadline is 1/27/17.

  17. Jan 17

    It is amazing to look at photos from the past inaugurations in the ' Prints & Photographs Division.

  18. Jan 17

    Inauguration Trivia: F.D. Roosevelt took his oath on a family Bible printed in what language? (hint: not English)

  19. Jan 17

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