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Wed, December 16 2020

Revisiting the Soviet Lunar Sample Return Missions

China’s Chang’e 5 lunar sample return mission successfully brought back pristine Moon samples to Earth. The last time such a feat was accomplished was during the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 mission in 1976. A total of three robotic sample return missions, as part of the Cold War Moon Race with the United States, were successfully executed.

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Luna 16
Tue, December 15 2020

Bee Falk’s 100th Birthday

December 15, 2020 marks the 100th birthday of aviation ‘sheroes’, Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu, a WWII Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP), entrepreneurial aviator, and lifelong advocate for women military pilots. Happy birthday, Bee!

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Portrait of Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu
Tue, December 15 2020

AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Dreaming

Interplanetary road trips take a WHILE. So for this episode of Voyages to Mars, while we cruise onward towards the Red Planet, we’re listening to some poetry that pays tribute to long duration space travel.

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AirSpace Presents
Voyages to Mars: Dreaming

Voyages to Mars
Mon, December 14 2020

The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter

This month, gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are coming together in the sky for a once-in-a-lifetime event called a great conjunction. It will peak on December 21, 2020.

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Jupiter and Saturn
Sat, December 12 2020

Failure to Launch: The Heart-Stopping Pad Shutdown of Gemini VI-A

Moments after ignition on December 12, 1965, one of Gemini VI's engine suddenly shut down. Astronauts Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford waited tensely in the cockpit for a plan to get them out of the life threatening situation. What happened over the next three days is nothing short of remarkable.

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Wally Schirra and Thomas Stafford
Fri, December 11 2020

Reflections on Arecibo | Reflexiones Sobre Arecibo

We asked four Puerto Rican scientists to share their reflections on the Arecibo Observatory, its importance to PR, and its legacy. Le pedimos a cuatro científicos puertorriqueños que compartan sus reflexiones sobre Arecibo, su importancia para PR y su legado

Read More about Reflections on Arecibo | Reflexiones Sobre Arecibo
Rivera-Valentín at Arecibo
Thu, December 10 2020

AirSpace Season 3|Ep.11
Blinded by the Light

Most of us live in places that give us a less than ideal view of the stars because of light pollution from our cities and suburbs. But keeping our skies dark is important for so many reasons – for nocturnal animals, for science and astronomy, and for cultural traditions around the world.

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AirSpace Season 3|Ep.11
Blinded by the Light

Logo for AirSpace Podcast 2020
Tue, December 8 2020

Remembering Chuck Yeager, a Pilot with the Right Stuff

The greatest pilot of the Greatest Generation has passed. Seventy-nine years to the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, famed test pilot, World War II ace, and the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound, Brig. Gen. Charles “Chuck” Yeager, died at the age of 97.

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Charles "Chuck" Yeager with Bell X-1
Mon, December 7 2020

A Blue Angel Makes Its Final Flight Into The National Collection

On November 18, 2020, Cmdr. Frank “Walleye” Weisser, USN, a member of the Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team, flew into Dulles International Airport to deliver a McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.

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The F/A-18C Hornet
Wed, December 2 2020

DC Delivery: Moving the Douglas DC-3

The Douglas DC-3 was once considered by many the greatest airplane of all time. However, although the DC-3 has a flight range of over 1,400 miles, once an aircraft becomes an artifact in our collection, moving it even a few short miles involves a range of complexities. Learn more about the complexities of its recent move!artif

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DC Delivery: Moving the Douglas DC-3

DC-3 Preperation
