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About RecFIN

RecFIN, the Recreational Fisheries Information Network is a project of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Established in 1992, the Pacific Coast Recreational Fisheries Information Network is designed to integrate state and federal marine recreational fisheryi samplingi efforts into a single database to provide important biological, social, and economic data for Pacific coast recreational fishery biologists, managers and anglers.

The three Interstate Marine Fishery Commissions are critical to managing and conserving our shared coastali fisheries within the firsti three miles of the nation's coastline. The Commissions were formed as interstate compacts by the coastal states of the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico and chartered by the United States Congress in recognition that "fish do not adhere to political boundaries." The Commissions serve as a deliberative body, coordinating the conservation and management of the states shared near-shorei fishery resources – marine, shell, and anadromous – for sustainable use.


Attention RecFIN Users: Technical Issue

Attention RecFIN Users: We are currently experiencing a technical issue on the RecFIN website.

The often used query "Tabulate Recent estimates (2004-Current)" is no longer appearing under the "Estimates" tab as it should. This same query can be accessed via the "Latest Catch Numbers" button in the upper left corner of the homepage.

We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.


CDFW to Hold Public Meeting Regarding Pacific Halibut Management

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites the public to attend a meeting to discuss the 2015 recreational Pacific halibut fishing season dates under consideration for California. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015 at the City of Eureka Wharfinger Building in the Bay Room, located at 1 Marina Way, Eureka (95501) from 6-8:30 p.m.



CDFW to Host Public Meeting on Ocean Salmon Fisheries

CA - The Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites the public to attend its upcoming annual ocean salmoni information meeting. A review of last year’s ocean salmoni fisheries and spawning escapement will be presented, in addition to the outlook for this year’s sport and commercial ocean salmoni fisheries.

The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sonoma County Water Agency, 404 Aviation Blvd. in Santa Rosa.



Department of Fish and Wildlife Seeks Nominees for Fishery Management Council

NEWPORT, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is accepting nominations for a seat on the Pacific Fishery Management Councili.

The seat is currently held by Jeff Feldner and is an at-large seat. He is eligible for re-appointment to a second term.

Anyone interested in being considered or wishing to nominate someone must contact Cyreis Schmitt at 541-867-4741 or cyreis.c.schmitt@state.or.us no later than Feb. 17.



Sardines Vanish from Coastal Waters; Squid and Anchovy Fill the Void for Fishermen

CA - Larry Derr was as prepared as any longtime Southern California bait fisherman for the disappearance of the Pacific sardines he has pulled up by the ton since the 1980s.

 He can fish anchovies instead and, if those become scarce, there’s been a local surge in market squid to keep him in business.



Oregon Proposes Removing Hatchery Fish From Wild Fish Areas

OR - Hatchery-reared fish would get the heave ho from certain rivers along the Oregon Coast under the latest strategy to help Oregon’s wild salmoni and steelhead.

The new management plan proposed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife would designate several coastali rivers as “wild fish emphasis areas,” while increasing the number of hatchery fish planted in other coastal rivers to expand fishing opportunities in those waters.



Public Survey Available on Puget Sound Recreational Fisheries Enhancement Program

OLYMPIA – One lucky person will win a fishing rod and reel just by taking a shorti surveyi on a state program established to enhance recreational fisheries in Puget Sound.

The survey is designed to gauge public understanding of the Puget Sound Recreational Salmoni and Marine Fish Enhancement Program. The survey is available through March 31 on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/salmon/psrfef/survey.html.



How Many Cowcod Rockfish Populations Are Out There?

Since being declared overfishedi in 2000, cowcod (Sebastes levis) has been managed for recovery as a continuous population throughout its range, from the U.S.–Mexico border to just north of Cape Mendocino, California. But what if it’s more than one population? That could change how it is managed.

Cowcod is one of the largest rockfish species, reaching almost 39 inches (1 meter) long, and may live up to 55 years. As Paul Chittaro, co–author of the paper, pointed out, "Because cowcod takes a long time to mature, a bit too much fishing can do a lot of damage."



Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup to Hold Work Session

February 3, 2014 to February 4, 2014 The Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Councili) ad hoc Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG) will hold a public work session February 3-4, 2014 at the Council office in Portland, Oregon. The meeting is open to the public, but is not intended as a public hearing. Public comments will be taken at the discretion of the EWG chair as time allows. The work session will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 2014 and will proceed until 5 p.m. or until business for the day is completed. The meeting will reconvene on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. and will proceed until 4 p.m. or until business for the day is completed.



Fish Fret When Ocean Becomes More Acidic, Researcher Finds

EDMONTON — At least one aspect of climate change makes even fish fretful. Ocean acidification — one of the consequences of an increasing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — makes rockfish anxious, according to a newly published paper by a neuroscientist at Edmonton’s MacEwan University. “It’s actually very similar to a human being anxious at a very basic, fundamental level,” said Trevor Hamilton. “(The fish are) afraid of any sort of stimuli that could be harmful.” Hamilton and a colleague, biologist Adam Holcombe, were building on previous research that looked at the effect of ocean acidification on reef-dwelling fish....read more...


State Reviews Methods to Aid Rockfish Release Survivability

WA - Heather Reed, state coastali marine resources policy coordinator, will lead a briefing Friday afternoon of the state Fish and Wildlife Commission on the use of descending devices to improve the survivability of released rockfish.

Reed is scheduled to discuss recent studies that show improved survivability of rockfish when they are released back to the depth of their capture using descending devices. She also is to report on actions taken through the Pacific Fishery Management Councili to adopt lower mortality rates for coastal rockfish released with descending devices compared with rockfish released at the surface.

The commission also will hear an overview of outreach efforts to improve awareness of recreational anglers on the benefits of using descending devices to release rockfish and properly identifying the rockfish they catch and release....read more...


New Restricted Areas for Oregon Coast Fishing

SALEM, Ore. — Beginning on Wednesday, two more areas off the Oregon coast will be closed to fishing and other recreational seafood and seaweed harvesting. New restrictions are beginning at marine reserves at Cascade Head just north of Lincoln City and at Cape Perpetua south of Yachats, The Statesman-Journal reports. All fishing is prohibited inside the boundaries of the reserves. That includes the taking of invertebrates as well as seaweed and wildlife in those areas. There will also be slightly less-restrictive rules at "marine protected areas" north and south of both reserves and on the western edge of the reserve at Cascade Head....read more...


Strengthening and Improving our Nation's Fisheries

The Magnusoni-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act governs the recreational and commercial harvest of fisheries in Federal waters. It was last authorized by Congress in 2006 through fiscal yeari 2013 and Chairman Hastings has unveiled a draft proposal to renew and modernize the law. The draft proposal would implement commoni sense reforms that will promote increased flexibility and transparency, improve data collection, create jobs, and give predictability and certainty to the coastali communities that depend on fishing activities.

Tell us your thoughts. Share comments on the draft proposal by e-mailing magnusonstevens@mail.house.gov.



Revisions to Federal Fisheries Act Released for Public Review

The act regulating America’s fisheries could see changes under the discussion draft proposed by the House Natural Resources Committee. The Magnusoni-Stevens Act, or MSA, was up for reauthorization this yeari but that process won’t be finalized until 2014. The House Natural Resources Committee released draft legislation Dec. 19 with 30 pages of proposed MSA changes that address several major fisheries issues, including catch share programs, electronic monitoring, rebuilding plans and the term “overfished.” ...read more...


CA - Department Name Change Effective Tomorrow

The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) will become the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), effective Jan. 1. The new name was mandated by AB 2402, which was signed Sept. 25 by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and is one of numerous provisions passed into law during 2012 that affect the department....read more...


New NOAA-Supported West Coast Studies to Look at Models for Sustaining America's Fishing Industry

The "locavore" movement helps America’s farmers. Could it also help our fishing industry?

Two new NOAAi Sea Grant studies will look at how new business models, based on the success of community supported agriculture, could benefit fishing communities in Washington, Oregon, and California....read more...


DFG to Hold Public Meeting on Pacific Halibut Management

The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) invites the public to attend a meeting to discuss the management of California’s Pacific halibut fisheries. The meeting will be held on May 16, 2012 at the Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation and Conservation Districti Conference Room, 601 Startare Drive in Eureka, from 6 to 8 p.m.

DFG staff will provide current information on Pacific halibut management and ocean fisheries in California, and will discuss the possible need for changes in the recreational fisheryi in 2013. The public is encouraged to provide input to managers and representatives which will aid in the development of future Pacific halibut management....read more...


2012 Halibut Seasons Provide Extra Fishing Days on Puget Sound

OLYMPIA – Sportfishing seasons for halibut will be four days longer in Puget Sound, and more fish will be available for harvest early in the season off the state’s southern coast under catch quotas for 2012 adopted by the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

Although the state’s recreational catch quota is down slightly from last yeari, Puget Sound anglers will get an extra day to catch the big flatfish during the Memorial Day weekend and three additional days during the course of the season. ...read more...


Oregon Legislature on Track to Authorize Three New Marine Reserves

OR - Oregon's Legislature appears poised to add three no-fishing marine reserves off the coast, designating what amounts to 38-square-miles of ocean wilderness despite continued concerns from fishing groups.

Coastali legislators from both parties have signed off on Senate Bill 1510, in part because they fear ocean conservation groups might otherwise push a statewide ballot measure to put much more of Oregon's biologically rich territorial sea off limits. ...read more...


DFG to Host Public Meeting on Salmon

CDFGi - The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) invites the public to attend its annual salmoni status update and outlook meeting in February. The outlook for 2012 ocean and river fisheries will also be discussed.

This year’s meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.at the Sonoma County Water Agency, 404 Aviation Blvd. in Santa Rosa....read more...


ODFW Seeks Angler Comments on Halibut Season; Quota Increased 8.7 Percent

OR - Oregon sport anglers will see an 8.7 percenti increase in the Pacific halibut quota for the upcoming season, and state fish managers are asking the public for help in crafting how the season will play out in the halibut-rich waters of the central Oregon Coast.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will hold meetings Monday, Feb. 13, in Newport and Wednesday, Feb. 15, in Salem to gather input on how to divvy that quota between the spring and summer all-depth fisheries....read more...


Commission Adopts New Sportfishing Rules, Increases Multiple-Season Hunting Permits

OLYMPIA — The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted a variety of new sportfishing rules and increased the number of multiple-season hunting permits for deer and elk issued each yeari during a public meeting here Feb. 3-4.

The commission, a nine-member citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFWi), adopted new fishing rules for the 2012-13 season that will:...read more...


Fish and Game Commission Votes Against Pursuing Striped Bass Proposal

The California Fish and Game Commissioni today took final action to reject proposed changes to striped bass regulations.

In a unanimous decision, Commissioners voted not to pursue a proposal that would have changed sport fishing regulations related to anadromous striped bass, including increasing bag limits and decreasing size limits....read more...


New Method Improves Accuracy of Recreational Catch Estimates

NOAAi - As part of NOAA's ongoing work to improve the accuracy of and confidence in recreational fishing data, NOAA Fisheries and leading experts in the field have developed a new peer-reviewed method for calculating recreational catch estimatesi. The new technique addresses a major recommendation made by the National Research Councili for improving our recreational data collection program and fulfills an important mandate of the Magnusoni-Stevens Act...read more...


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