National Human Services Interoperability Architetcure (NHSIA) Definition


National Human Services Interoperability Architecture (NHSIA) Logo







The National Human Services Interoperability Architecture (NHSIA) proposes a framework to facilitate information sharing, improve service delivery, prevent fraud, and provide better outcomes for children and families.

NHSIA also brings together pieces from other architecture models such as the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA). NHSIA consists of seven Viewpoints examining architecture from different business and technology perspectives.

NHSIA offers a foundation for common understanding, interoperability, standards, and reuse. Objectives include establishing a common vocabulary, providing a business and technical framework, promoting sharing and reuse, encouraging data exchange standards development, developing standard data structures, and improving operational efficiency and effectiveness.

NHSIA Viewpoint Descriptions and Supporting Documentation for Each Viewpoint

Overview Viewpoint
Project Viewpoint
Information Viewpoint
Capability Viewpoint
Business Viewpoint
Systems Viewpoint
Infrastructure Viewpoint