Endangered Species
Ecological Services

Endangered Species Act Document Library

Whether you are looking for a specific document pertaining to species listing, sections of the Endangered Species Act, or anything else related to Endangered Species policy, you can find it right here in the ESA document library.

Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act (actual Act in its entirety) [180KB]
History [244KB]
ESA Basics - Summary of the Act [206KB]
Glossary [60KB]


Endangered Species Bulletin

Current issue


Laws & Policies

General Regulations and Policies
Definition of "Harm" (64 FR 607277, November 8, 1999) [44KB]
Notice of Intent to Clarify the Role of Habitat in Endangered Species Conservation (64 FR 31871, June 14, 1999) [44KB]

Expenditure Reports
2017 Expenditures Report [4.8MB]
2016 Expenditures Report [2.4MB]
2015 Expenditures Report [3.5MB]
2014 Expenditures Report [2.4MB]
2013 Expenditures Report [7.1MB]
2012 Expenditures Report [8.9MB]
2011 Expenditures Report [7.1MB]
2010 Expenditures Report [2.7MB]
2009 Expenditures Report [3.3MB]
2008 Expenditures Report [5.79MB]
2007 Expenditures Report [5.7MB]
2005/2006 Expenditures Report [4.8MB]
2004 Expenditures Report [15.7MB]
2003 Expenditures Report [2.3MB]
2002 Expenditures Report [2.6MB]
2001 Expenditures Report [2.7MB]
1998-2000 Summary [132KB]
2000 Expenditures Report [2.2MB]
2000 Expenditures Report - Appendix A [22MB]
2000 Expenditures Report - Appendix B [260KB]
1999 Expenditures Report [2.1MB]
1999 Expenditures Report - Appendix A [23.5MB]
1999 Expenditures Report - Appendix B [232KB]
1998 Expenditures Report [2.1MB]
1998 Expenditures Report - Appendix A [40MB]
1998 Expenditures Report - Appendix B [232KB]
1997 Expenditures Report [16.1MB]
1996 Expenditures Report [10.5MB]



Listing a Species as Threatened or Endangered (Section 4 of ESA) [328KB]
Delisting a Species (Section 4 of ESA) [192KB]
What Is the Difference Between Endangered and Threatened? [122KB]
Why Save Endangered Species? [1.1MB]
What You Can Do to Help Wildlife and Plants [220KB]


Candidate Conservation

Candidate Species Fact Sheet [567KB]
Candidate Conservation Agreements fact sheet[623KB]
Guidance on Listing Priority Numbers [844KB] (48 FR 43098, September 21, 1983)

FWS Service Manual Chapter: Policy Regarding Voluntary Prelisting Conservation Actions (May 2018) [621KB]
Candidate Conservation Agreements With Assurances Policy (81 FR 95164, December 27, 2016) [233KB]
Revisions to the Regulations for Candidate Conservation Agreements With Assurances (81 FR 95053, December 27, 2016) [226KB]
Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands [44KB]
Final Policy for Evaluation of Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions (68 FR 15100, March 28, 2003) [109KB]
Safe Harbor Agreements and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances; Revisions to the Regulations (69 FR 24084; May 3, 2004) [56KB]
Safe Harbors and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances - Regulations (64 FR 32705, June 17, 1999) [84KB]
Response to Public Comments on Amending General Permitting Regulations Relating to Habitat Conservation Plans, Safe Harbor Agreements and Candidate Conservation Agreements With Assurances (66 FR 6483, January 22, 2001) [91KB]

Candidate Notices of Review
FY 2019-2020 [312KB]
FY 2017-2018 [405KB]
FY 2016 [312KB]
FY 2015 [450KB]
FY 2014 [546KB]
FY 2013 [574KB]
FY 2012 [608KB]
FY 2011 [423KB]
FY 2010 [422KB]
FY 2009 [408KB]
FY 2008 [400KB]
FY 2007 [460KB]
FY 2006 [480KB]
FY 2005 [420KB]
FY 2004 [192KB]
FY 2002 [168KB]
FY 2001 [212KB]

Landowner Tools
Tools for Conservation Partnerships [2.66MB]
Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands Brochure [1.76MB]
Conservation Profiles: Landowners Help Imperiled Wildlife Brochure [1.84MB]



Fact Sheet [196KB]

Final Rule for Interagency Cooperation (84 FR 44976, August 27, 2019) [468KB]
Notice of Delayed Effective Date for Regulations Regarding Interagency Cooperation (84 FR 50333, September 25, 2019) [268KB]
Streamlined Consultation Guidance for Restoration and Recovery Projects (November 16, 2016) [182KB]
Streamlined Consultation Guidance Restoration and Recovery Projects: Frequently Asked Questions
Streamlined Consultation Guidance for Restoration and Recovery Projects: Format for the Biological Opinion
Streamlined Consultation Guidance for Restoration and Recovery Projects: Format for the Biological Evaluation/Assessment
Interagency Rule Amending Definition of Destruction or Adverse Modification of Critical Habitat Rule (81 FR 7214, February 11, 2016)
Interagency Rule Amending Incidental Take Statement Provisions (80 FR 26832, May 11, 2015)
Joint Counterpart Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Regulations - FIFRA (pesticides)(69 FR 47732, August 5, 2004)
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks (68 FR 24753, May 8 2003) [170KB]
Joint Counterpart Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Regulations - National Fire Plan (68 FR 68254, December 8, 2003)  [112KB]
Evaluating the Net Benefit of Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects (68 FR 1629, January 13, 2003) [53KB]
Alternative Approaches for Streamlining Section 7 Consultation on Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects (68 FR 1628, January 13, 2003)   [50KB]
Notice of Availability: Final Endangered Species Consultation Handbook for Procedures for Conducting Consultation and Conference Activities Under Section 7 of the ESA (64 FR 31285, June 10, 1999)  [32KB]

Consultations Handbook

Entire Handbook [920KB]
Cover Page, Forward, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Glossary [151KB]
Chapters 1-3 [178KB]
Chapter 4 [422KB]
Chapters 5-9 [239KB]
Appendix A [8K]
Appendix B [150KB]
Appendices C-H [201KB]

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mitigation Policy (46 FR 7656, January 23, 1981)
Final Policy on the National Wildlife Refuge System and Compensatory Mitigation Under the Section 10/404 Program (64 FR 49229, September 10, 1999)
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks (May 2, 2003) [221KB]
Recovery Crediting Guidance (73 FR 44761, July 31, 2008) [190KB]
FWS Service Manual Chapter: Policy Regarding Voluntary Prelisting Conservation Actions (May 2018) [621KB]

National Emergencies
Final Rulemaking on Interagency Cooperation under the ESA Section 402.05 (Regarding Emergencies) [58KB]
Ecological Services Office Directory Listing [20KB]
ESA and Emergency Consultations for National Defense Summary [11KB]

Department of Transportation Guidance
Introduction [19KB]
Procedures for Implementing Programmatic Consultation Strategies [31KB]
Other Consultation Related Processes and Glossary [21KB]
Attachment 1 [13KB]
Attachment 2 [30KB]
Attachment 3 [30KB]
Attachment 4 [14KB
Attachment 5 [12KB]

Healthy Forests Initiative Guidance
Alternative Consultation Agreement with the Forest Service [177KB]
Alternative Consultation Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management [359KB]
Finding of No Significant Impact [81KB]
Environmental Assessment [59KB]
Memo Evaluating the Net Benefit of Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects [PDF 710KB]
Memo Regarding Alternative Approaches for Streamlining Section 7 Consultation
on Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects
National Fire Plan Review Year 1[770KB]
National Fire Plan Review Years 2 - 4[94KB]



Fact Sheet [471KB]

Grant Application Guidance
Standard Form 424 "Application for Federal Assistance" [106KB]
Federal Aid Toolkit [134KB]
Director's Memorandum Regarding Prescribed Burning Off-Service Lands [770KB]
Clarification of Director's Memorandum Regarding Prescribed Burning Off-Service Lands [415KB]

Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Annual Grant Awards Listing
2018–2019 [112KB]
2017 [119KB]
2016 [139KB]
2015 [199KB]
2014 [106KB]
2013 [229KB]
2012 [58KB]
2011 [142KB]
2010 [112KB]
2009 [58KB]
2008 [53KB]
2007 [55KB]
2006 [143KB]
2005 [52KB]
2004 [158KB]
2003 [82KB]

Annual Private Stewardship Grant Awards Listings
2007 [106KB]
2006 [221KB]
2005 [206KB]
2004 [229KB]
2003 [135KB]

Annual Private Stewardship Grant Proposal Requests
2007 [214KB]
2006 [184KB]
2005 [253KB]
2004 [238KB]
2003 [128KB]

Wolf-Livestock Demonstration Project Awards
2019–2020 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards [103KB]
2018 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards [140KB]
2017 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards [89KB]
2016 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards
2015 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards
2014 Depredation Compensation and Prevention Awards
2013 Depredation Compensation Awards
2013 Prevention Awards


Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)

Fact Sheet [179KB]
Frequently Asked Questions [194KB]
Working Together for Endangered Species Brochure [5.8MB]
HCP Article from Nov/Dec 1999 Endangered Species Bulletin [44KB]
Draft Conservation Plan for Sacramento Mountains Checkerspot Butterfly [3.6MB]
Credit Trading Memo of Understanding [184KB]

Principal Deputy Director's Memorandum Regarding Guidance on When to Seek an Incidental Take Permit (April 26, 2018) [1.2MB]
Habitat Conservation Planning Handbook (revised December 2016) [3.2MB]
Notice of Availability: Final Handbook for Habitat Conservation Planning and Incidental Take Permitting Process (61 FR 63854, December 2, 1996)  [36KB]
Habitat Conservation Plan Assurances ("No Surprises") Rule (63 FR 8859, February 23, 1998) [104KB]
Addendum to the HCP Handbook, 5 Point Policy Initiative (65 FR 35242, June 1, 2000) [275KB]
Addendum to the HCP Handbook, Executive Summary [88KB]
Addendum to the HCP Handbook, Questions and Answers [130KB]
Guidance for the Establishment, Use, and Operation of Conservation Banks (68 FR 24753, May 8 2003) [170KB]
Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit Revocation Regulations (69 FR 71723, December 10, 2004) [113KB]
Federal Register Notice of Availability Regarding Conservation Banking [36KB]

For Landowners
Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands Brochure [1.8MB]

No Surprises Guidance
June 28, 2004 Memo [76KB]
June 10, 2004 Memo [332KB]


International Activities

Conserving Borderline Species [4.84MB]
Species of Common Conservation Concern [496KB]


Listing and Critical Habitat

Critical habitat Fact Sheet[3/2017] [295KB]
Listing Fact Sheet[8/2016] [283KB]
Petition Process Flow Chart [8/2016] [194KB]

Final Revisions to Regulations for Excluding Areas of Critical Habitat Under Section 4(b)(2) of the ESA (December 2020) [347KB]
Definition of "Habitat" (85 FR 81411, December 16, 2020) [272KB]
Final Rule for Listing Species and Designating Critical Habitat (84 FR 45020, August 27, 2019) [434KB]
Final Rule for Prohibitions to Threatened Wildlife and Plants (84 FR 44753, August 27, 2019) [329KB]
Final Revisions to Regulations for Petitions (81 FR 66462, September 27, 2016) [276KB]
Definition of "Destruction or Adverse Modification" (81 FR 7214, February 11, 2016) [268KB]
Final Revisions to Regulations for Designating Critical Habitat for Endangered and Threatened Species (81 FR 7414, February 11, 2016) [266KB]
Final Policy for Critical Habitat Exclusions (81 FR 7226, February 11, 2016)  [356KB]
Final Rule for Timing of Economic AAnalysis for Critical Habitat Designations (78 FR 53058, August 28, 2013) [187KB]
Final Revised Implementing Regulations for Requirements to Publish Textual Descriptions of Boundaries of Critical Habitat (77 FR 25611, May 1, 2012) [273KB]


Methodology for Prioritizing Status Reviews and Accompanying 12-Month Findings on Petitions for Listing Under the Endangered Species Act (81 FR 49248, July 27, 2016)
Policy on Interpretation of the Phrase "Significant Portion of Its Range" in the ESA's Definitions of "Endangered Species" and "Threatened Species" (79 FR 37577, July 1, 2014)   [810KB]
Interagency Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments Under the ESA (61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996)   [25KB]
Final Policy for Evaluation of Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions (68 FR 15100, March 28, 2003)   [109KB]
Endangered and Threatened Species Listing and Recovery Priority Guidelines (48 FR 43098, September 21, 1983 & 48 FR 51985, November 15, 1983 - Correction)  [1.0MB]

Director's Memo: Information Disclosure Policy [63KB]
Director's Memo: Streamlining 90-Day and 12-Month Petition Findings [107KB]
Procedures for Making 90-day Petition Findings Under Section 4(b)(3)(A) and Publication of Findings in the
    Federal Register [256KB]
Appendix A - Petition Acknowledgment Letter Template [31KB]
Appendix B - Interim Guidance on Making 90-Day Petition Findings Under Section 4(b)(3)(A) of the ESA [109KB]
Appendix C - Petition Review Form [48KB]
Appendix D - Director's Memo: Procedures for Developing Substantial 90-day Petition Findings and
    Publication of Notification of Findings in the Federal Register (2012) [545KB]
Appendix E - Examples of Petition Review Findings and Federal Register Notices [85KB]
Appendix F - Interagency Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct Vertebrate Population Segments
    Under the ESA (61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996) [25KB]
Appendix G - Summary of Court Rulings Related to 90-day Petition Findings [194KB]
Appendix H - Guidance for References for Endangered Species Federal Register Documents [98KB]
Appendix I - Guidance on Batching 90-day Findings for Publication in the Federal Register [303KB]
Appendix J - Batched Federal Register Notice Template [45KB]
Appendix K - Briefing Paper Template for 90-day Petition Findings [33KB]
Appendix L - 90-day Petition Findings Table of Contents [24KB]
Appendix M - Federal Register Document Review Request [280KB]
FWS Interpretation of 'in danger of extinction' under the ESA [12/22/2010] [10MB]
Solicitor's Memorandum Opinion: The Meaning of 'Foreseeable Future' under the ESA [887KB]
Solicitor's Memorandum Opinion: The Secretary's Authority to Exclude Areas from a Critical Habitat Designation under the ESA [1.8MB]

Current Listing Workload
Listing 5-Year Workplan (May 2019) [321KB]
Listing FY19 Workload (May 2019)  [196KB]

2011-2016 Listing Workload
Listing Accomplishments Report (Oct. 2014) &nnbsp;[216KB]
Listing Work Plan Stipulated Settlement Agreement with Wild Earth Guardians (May 2011)  [80KB]
Exhibit A: Listing and Critical Habitat Actions Pursuant to Court Orders and Settlement Agreements (May 2011) &nnbnbnbsp; [55KB]
Exhibit B: Listing and Critical Habitat Work Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 and 2012 (May 2011)  [100KB]
Listing Work Plan Supplementary Settlement Agreement with Center for Biological Diversity (July 2011) [78KB]
Court Order Approving FWS Settlement Agreement with Wild Earth Guardians (September 2011)  [10KB]
Court Order Approving FWS Settlement Agreement with Center for Biological Diversity (September 2011)  [10KB]



Fact Sheet [200KB]
NMFS/FWS Recovery Planning Guidance [1.3MB]
    Appendix: a-e [1.1MB]
    Appendix: f-j [1.9MB]
    Appendix: k-o [3.5MB]
    Appendix: p-w [1.9MB]
Recovery Planning and Implementation fact sheet [584KB]
Section 10(j) Fact Sheet [1MB]
Delisting Fact Sheet [95KB]
Post-Delisting Monitoring Guidance [159KB]
5-Year Review Guidance [3.9MB]
Wyoming Toads and Cattle: at Home on the Range Fact Sheet [212KB]
Colorado River Fishes Reoccupy Historic Habitat News Release [48KB]
Endangered Mussels Recovery Article from Fish Lines [124KB]
Pallid Sturgeon Release Article from Fish Lines [3.8MB]
Mussels Enjoy the Waters of White Sulphur Springs Endangered Species Bulletin Article [148KB]
Mussels on the Road to Recovery at Genoa NFH Endangered Species Bulletin Article [184KB]

Revised Guidance and Template for the Development of Recovery Outlines [196KB] (April 2018)
NMFS/FWS Recovery Planning Guidance [1.3MB]
    Appendix: a-e [1.1MB]
    Appendix: f-j [1.9MB]
    Appendix: k-o [3.5MB]
    Appendix: p-w [1.9MB]
Guidance on Recovery Crediting for the Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species (73 FR 44761, July 31, 2008) [187KB]
Policy Regarding Controlled Propagation of Species Listed Under the Endangered Species Act (65 FR 56916, September 20, 2000)  [144KB]
Final Safe Harbor Policy (64 FR 32717, June 17, 1999) [72KB]
Safe Harbors and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances - Regulations (64 FR 32705, June 17, 1999)   [84KB]
Safe Harbor Agreements and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances; Revisions to the Regulations (69 FR 24084; May 3, 2004)   [56KB]
Endangered and Threatened Species Listing and Recovery Priority Guidelines (48 FR 43098, September 21, 1983 & 48 FR 51985, November 15, 1983 - Correction)   [1.0MB]

Recovery Reports to Congress
Fiscal Years 2015-2016 [2.6MB]
Fiscal Years 2013-2014 [2.4MB]
Fiscal Years 2011-2012 [3.6MB]
Fiscal Years 2009-2010 [3.1MB]
Fiscal Years 2007-2008 [1.0MB]
Fiscal Years 2005-2006 [3.0MB]
Narrative Summary of Recovery Actions During 2005-2006 [2.2MB]
Fiscal Years 2003-2004 [3.1MB]
Fiscal Years 2001-2002 [5.3MB]
Fiscal Years 1998-2000 [5.5MB]
1996 [588KB]
1994 [7.9MB]


Working with Tribes

Executive Order 13175 - Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments [140KB]
Final Report and Recommendations of the Working Group on the Endangered Species Act
and Indian Water Rights - Federal Register Notice
List of Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives - Federal Register Notice [108KB]

Limitation on Section 9 Protections Applicable to Salmon Listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act, for Actions under Tribal Resource Management Plans - Tribal Plans (65 FR 108, January 3, 2000)  [68KB]


For Landowners


Our Ecological Services Program and How It Works with Landowners [308KB]
Conservation Banking: Incentives for Stewardship [170KB]
Conservation Profiles: Landowners Help Imperiled Wildlife [1.85MB]
Tools for Conservation Partnerships (Fall 2010 Endangered Species Bulletin) [2.66MB]

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)
Fact Sheet [179kb]
Habitat Conservation Planning Handbook (revised December 2016) [3.2MB]
Frequently Asked Questions [194KB]
Working Together for Endangered Species Brochure [5.8MB]
Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands Brochure [1.8MB]

Safe Harbor Agreements
Fact Sheet [305KB]
Pine Tree Farming and Endangered Woodpeckers [252KB]
Timber Management by Mississippi Tree Farmer [384KB]
Landowners Volunteering for New Conservation Program in Lower Mokelumne River Watershed [808KB]

Recovery: The Road Back Report
Pages 1-18 [1.0MB]
Pages 19-38 [752KB]
Pages 39-56 [856KB]

Candidate Conservation Agreements
Fact Sheet [1.07MB]
Using Existing Tools to Expand Cooperative Conservation for Candidate Species Across Federal and Non-Federal Lands  [48KB]



Safe Harbor Agreement Fact Sheet [308KB]
Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances Fact Sheet [128KB]
Principal Deputy Director's Memorandum Regarding Guidance on When to Seek an Incidental Take Permit (April 26, 2018) [1.2MB]



Working Together Poster [7.8MB]
Lean Green Fighting Machine - U.S. Marine Corps Poster [292KB]
Small Whorled - Big Mission - U.S. Marine Corps Poster [636KB]
Freedom Soars: Defending Our Nation and Our Environment - Department of Defense Poster (Front) [124KB]
Freedom Soars: Defending Our Nation and Our Environment - Department of Defense Poster (Back) [140KB]
Leathernecks Saving Leathernecks - U.S. Marine Corps Poster [176KB]

American Forest Foundation
Forest Ecosystem Conservation Handbook for the Gopher Tortoise [1.8MB]
Forest Ecosystem Conservation Handbook for Birds in Georgia [4.2MB]

Department of Defense

Cooperative Resource Management
Military and the Endangered Species Act Fact Sheet [224KB]
Conservation Lands as Compatible Use Buffers [336KB]
Cooperative Conservation Planning Tool [3.1Mb]
Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans [248KB]
Interagency Action Plan to Address the GAO Report on Endangered Species Management Affecting DoD Lands
Army Helps Recover Indiana Bat at Iowa Army Ammo Plant [40KB]
Sikes Act Coordination [112KB]
Species and Habitats on Department of Defense Lands - Endangered Species Bulletin Article [2.5MB]

Facts Sheets for Species of DoD Concern
Aplomodo Falcon Fact Sheet [904KB]
Greater Sage-grouse Fact Sheet [232KB]
Sonoran Pronghorn Fact Sheet [312KB]
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Fact Sheet [400KB]
Karner Blue Butterfly Fact Sheet [344KB]

Scientific Documents
Threatened, Endangered and At-Risk Species (TER-S) Science Forum Mission Statement [24Kb]
Conserving Natural and Cultural Resources on DoD Lands: Case Studies from the DoD Conservation Program - Technical Notes   [1.9MB]

Natural Resource Management
Conserving Biodiversity on Military Lands, U.S. Army Installation Summaries from the FY2005 Survey of Threatened and Endangered Species on Army Lands  [1.8MB]
Management Guidelines for Species at Risk On Department of Defense Installations [5.3MB]
Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures - Fiscal Year 2004 [15.7MB]
Department of Defense Conservation Conference Guide, 2004 [880KB]

Consultations Handbook
Cover Page, Forward, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Glossary [151KB]
Chapters 1-3 [178KB]
Chapter 4 [422KB]
Chapters 5-9 [239KB]
Appendix A [8K]
Appendix B [150KB]
Appendices C-H [201KB]

The Endangered Species Act - Protecting Marine Resources [1.4MB]
NMFS Listed Species [160KB]

Last updated: December 16, 2020