About the Office of the Inspector General

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Office of the Inspector General Profile

The Office of the Inspector General is headed by the Inspector General, who is appointed by, reports to, and is under the general supervision of the Smithsonian Board of Regents. OIG is located in Washington, D.C. In addition to the Inspector General, OIG consists of the Assistant Inspector General for Audits, the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Assistant Inspector General for Operations, Counsel to the Inspector General, auditors, criminal investigators, an investigator, and an administrative officer.


OIG’s vision is to provide the highest quality oversight through timely action, independent and objective reporting, and an overall commitment to excellence.


OIG’s mission is to promote the efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity of the Smithsonian’s programs and operations through independent and objective audits and investigations and to keep stakeholders fully and currently informed.

Core Values

Accountability. A commitment to promoting accountability in the Smithsonian and taking personal accountability for actions and decisions within OIG.

Excellence. A commitment to providing timely, relevant, and high-quality products and services.

Integrity. A commitment to operating under the highest ethical principles by conducting our work in an honest, objective, and independent manner.

Teamwork. A commitment to working together to collectively achieve OIG’s mission through respectful and professional interactions among ourselves and others.


The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended in 1988 (P.L. 100-504), established the Smithsonian’s OIG. The Act requires the Smithsonian OIG to:

  • conduct audits and investigations relating to Smithsonian’s programs and operations
  • promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness within the Smithsonian
  • review and make recommendations regarding existing and proposed programs and operations
  • prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse in Smithsonian’s programs and operations
  • report expeditiously to the Attorney General whenever the Inspector General has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of criminal law
  • keep the Board of Regents and the Congress fully and currently informed of serious problems in Smithsonian’s programs and operations