NWS Weather Forecast Office Product Listing

Click on the product identifier or description to view products:
Product IdentifierProduct Description
ABVRawinsonde Data Above 100 Millibars
ADAAlarm/Alert Administrative Msg
ADMAlert Administrative Message
ADRNWS Administrative Message
ADVGeneric Space Environment Advisory
AFDArea Forecast Discussion
AFMArea Forecast Matrices
AFPArea Forecast Product
AFWFire Weather Matrix
AGFAgricultural Forecast
AGOAgricultural Observations
ALTSpace Environment Alert
AQAAir Quality Alert
AQIAir Quality Index Statement
ASAAir Stagnation Advisory
AVAAvalanche Watch
AVWAvalanche Warning
AWOArea Weather Outlook
AWSArea Weather Summary
AWUArea Weather Update
AWWAirport Weather Warning
BLUBlue Alert
BOYBuoy Report
BRGCoast Guard Observations
BRTHourly Roundup for Weather Radio
CAEChild Abduction Emergency
CCFCoded City Forecast
CDWCivil Danger Warning
CEMCivil Emergency Message
CF6WFO Monthly/Daily Climate Data
CFPConvective Forecast Product
CFWCoastal Flood Warnings/Watches/Statements
CGRCoast Guard Surface Report
CHGComputer Hurricane Guidance
CLAClimatological Report (Annual)
CLIClimatological Report (Daily)
CLMClimatological Report (Monthly)
CLQClimatological Report (Quarterly)
CLSClimatological Report (Seasonal)
CLTClimate Report
CMMCoded Climatological Monthly Means
CODCoded Analysis and Forecasts
CPFGreat Lakes Port Forecast
CURRoutine Space Environment Products
CWACenter (CWSU) Weather Advisory
CWFCoastal Waters Forecast
CWSCenter (CWSU) Weather Statement
DAYRoutine Space Environment Product (Daily)
DDODaily Dispersion Outlook
DGTDrought Information Statement
DSAUnnumbered Depression / Suspicious Area Advisory
DSMASOS Daily Summary
DSWDust Storm Warning and Dust Advisory
EFP3 To 5 Day Extended Forecast
EOLAverage 6 To 10 Day Weather Outlook (Local)
EQITsunami Bulletin
EQREarthquake Report
EQWEarthquake Warning
ESFFlood Potential Outlook
ESGExtended Streamflow Guidance
ESPExtended Streamflow Prediction
ESSWater Supply Outlook
EVIEvacuation Immediate
EWWExtreme Wind Warning
FA0Aviation Area Forecasts (Pacific)
FA1Aviation Area Forecasts (Northeast)
FA2Aviation Area Forecasts (Southeast)
FA3Aviation Area Forecasts (North Central)
FA4Aviation Area Forecasts (South Central)
FA5Aviation Area Forecasts (Rocky Mountains)
FA6Aviation Area Forecasts (West Coast)
FA7Aviation Area Forecasts (Juneau, AK)
FA8Aviation Area Forecasts (Anchorage, AK)
FA9Aviation Area Forecasts (Fairbanks, AK)
FD024 Hr Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (45,000 and 53,000 Ft)
FD16 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast
FD212 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast
FD324 Hour Winds Aloft Forecast
FD4Winds Aloft Forecast
FD5Winds Aloft Forecast
FD6Winds Aloft Forecast
FD7Winds Aloft Forecast
FD86 Hour Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (45,000 and 53,000 Ft)
FD912 Hr Fd Winds Aloft Fcst (45,000 and 53,000 Ft)
FDIFire Danger Indices
FFAFlash Flood Watch
FFGFlash Flood Guidance
FFHHeadwater Guidance
FFSFlash Flood Statement
FFWFlash Flood Warning
FLNNational Flood Summary
FLSFlood Statement
FLWFlood Warning
FOFUpper Wind Fallout Forecast
FRWFire Warning
FSHNatl Marine Fisheries Administrative Service Message
FTMWSR-88D Radar Outage Notification / Free Text Message
FTPFOUS Prog Max/Min Temp/Pop Guidance
FWAFire Weather Administrative Message
FWDFire Weather Outlook Discussion
FWFRoutine Fire Wx Fcst (With/Without 6-10 Day Outlook)
FWLLand Management Forecasts
FWMMiscellaneous Fire Weather Product
FWNFire Weather Notification
FWOFire Weather Observation
FWSSuppression Forecast
FZLFreezing Level Data (RADAT)
GLFGreat Lakes Forecast
GLSGreat Lakes Storm Summary
HD1RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD2RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD3RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD4RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD7RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD8RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HD9RFC Derived QPF Data Product
HLSHurricane Local Statement
HMDHydrometeorological Discussion
HMWHazardous Materials Warning
HP1RFC QPF Verification Product
HP2RFC QPF Verification Product
HP3RFC QPF Verification Product
HP4RFC QPF Verification Product
HP5RFC QPF Verification Product
HP6RFC QPF Verification Product
HP7RFC QPF Verification Product
HP8RFC QPF Verification Product
HRRWeather Roundup
HSFHigh Seas Forecast
HWOHazardous Weather Outlook
HWRHourly Weather Roundup
HYDDaily Hydrometeorological Products
HYMMonthly Hydrometeorological Plain Language Product
ICEIce Forecast
IDMIce Drift Vectors
IOBIce Observation
KPAKeep Alive Message
LAELocal Area Emergency
LCDPreliminary Local Climatological Data
LCOLocal Cooperative Observation
LEWLaw Enforcement Warning
LFPLocal Forecast
LKELake Stages
LLSLow-Level Sounding
LOWLow Temperatures
LSRLocal Storm Report
LTGLightning Data
MANRawinsonde Observation Mandatory Levels
MAPMean Areal Precipitation
MAWAmended Marine Forecast
MFMMarine Forecast Matrix
MIMMarine Interpretation Message
MISMiscellaneous Local Product
MOBMOB Observations
MONRoutine Space Environment Product Issued Monthly
MRPTechniques Development Laboratory Marine Product
MSMASOS Monthly Summary Message
MTRMETAR Formatted Surface Weather Observation
MTTMETAR Test Message
MVFMarine Verification Coded Message
MWSMarine Weather Statement
MWWMarine Weather Message
NOUWeather Reconnaisance Flights
NOWShort Term Forecast
NOXData Mgt Message
NPWNon-Precipitation Warnings / Watches / Advisories
NSHNearshore Marine Forecast
NUWNuclear Power Plant Warning
NWRNOAA Weather Radio Forecast
OAVOther Aviation Products
OFAOffshore Aviation Area Forecast
OFFOffshore Forecast
OMROther Marine Products
OPUOther Public Products
OSOOther Surface Observations
OSWOcean Surface Winds
OUAOther Upper Air Data
OZFZone Forecast
PFMPoint Forecast Matrices
PFWFire Weather Point Forecast Matrices
PLSPlain Language Ship Report
PMDPrognostic Meteorological Discussion
PNSPublic Information Statement
POEProbability of Exceed
PRBHeat Index Forecast Tables
PRCState Pilot Report Collective
PREPreliminary Forecasts
PSHPost Storm Hurricane Report
PTSProbabilistic Outlook Points
PWOPublic Severe Weather Outlook
PWSTropical Cyclone Probabilities
QPFQuantitative Precipitation Forecast
QPSQuantitative Precipitation Statement
RDFRevised Digital Forecast
RECRecreational Report
RERRecord Report
RETEAS Activation Request
RFDRangeland Fire Danger Forecast
RFIRFI Observation
RFRRoute Forecast
RFWRed Flag Warning
RHWRadiological Hazard Warning
RNSRain Information Statement
RR1Hydro-Met Data Report Part 1
RR2Hydro-Met Data Report Part 2
RR3Hydro-Met Data Report Part 3
RR4Hydro-Met Data Report Part 4
RR5Hydro-Met Data Report Part 5
RR6Hydro-Met Data Report Part 6
RR7Hydro-Met Data Report Part 7
RR8Hydro-Met Data Report Part 8
RR9Hydro-Met Data Report Part 9
RRAAutomated Hydrologic Observation Sta Report (AHOS)
RRMMiscellaneous Hydrologic Data
RRYASOS SHEF Hourly Routine Test Message
RSDDaily Snotel Data
RSMMonthly Snotel Data
RTPRegional Max/Min Temp and Precipitation Table
RVARiver Summary
RVDDaily River Forecasts
RVFRiver Forecast
RVIRiver Ice Statement
RVMMiscellaneous River Product
RVRRiver Recreation Statement
RVSRiver Statement
RWRRegional Weather Roundup
RWSRegional Weather Summary
SABSpecial Avalanche Bulletin
SAFSpeci Agri Wx Fcst / Advisory / Flying Farmer Fcst Outlook
SAGSnow Avalanche Guidance
SATAPT Prediction
SAWPrelim Notice of Watch & Cancellation Msg (Aviation)
SCCStorm Summary
SCDSupplementary Climatological Data (ASOS)
SCNSoil Climate Analysis Network Data
SCPSatellite Cloud Product
SCSSelected Cities Summary
SDOSupplementary Data Observation (ASOS)
SDSSpecial Dispersion Statement
SELSevere Local Storm Watch and Watch Cancellation Msg
SEVSPC Watch Point Information Message
SFPState Forecast
SFTTabular State Forecast
SGLRawinsonde Observation Significant Levels
SHPSurface Ship Report at Synoptic Time
SIGInternational Sigmet / Convective Sigmet
SIMSatellite Interpretation Message
SLSSevere Local Storm Watch and Areal Outline
SMFSmoke Management Weather Forecast
SMWSpecial Marine Warning
SOOSOO Product
SPESatellite Precipitation Estimates (TXUS20 KWBC)
SPFStorm Strike Probability Bulletin (TPC)
SPSSpecial Weather Statement
SPWShelter in Place Warning
SQWSnow Squall Warning
SRDSurf Discussion
SRFSurf Forecast
SRGSoaring Guidance
SSMMain Synoptic Hour Surface Observation
STANetwork and Severe Weather Statistical Summaries
STDSatellite Tropical Disturbance Summary
STORoad Condition Reports (State Agencies)
STPState Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table
STQSpot Forecast Request
SUMSpace Weather Message
SVRSevere Thunderstorm Warning
SVSSevere Weather Statement
SWOSevere Storm Outlook Narrative (AC)
SWSState Weather Summary
SYNRegional Weather Synopsis
TAFTerminal Aerodrome Forecast
TAPTerminal Alerting Products
TAVTravelers Forecast Table
TCAAviation Tropical Cyclone Advisory
TCDTropical Cyclone Discussion
TCETropical Cyclone Position Estimate
TCMMarine/Aviation Tropical Cyclone Advisory
TCPPublic Tropical Cyclone Advisory
TCSSatellite Tropical Cyclone Summary
TCUTropical Cyclone Update
TCVTropical Cyclone Watch/Warning Break Points
TIBTsunami Bulletin
TIDTide Report
TMATsunami Tide/Seismic Message Acknowledgement
TOE911 Telephone Outage Emergency
TORTornado Warning
TPTTemperature Precipitation Table (Natl and Intnl)
TSUTsunami Watch/Warning
TUVWeather Bulletin
TVLTravelers Forecast
TWBTranscribed Weather Broadcast
TWDTropical Weather Discussion
TWOTropical Weather Outlook and Summary
TWSTropical Weather Summary
URNAircraft Reconnaissance
UVIUltraviolet Index
VAAVolcanic Activity Advisory
VERForecast Verification Statistics
VFTTerminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) Verification
VOWVolcano Warning
WA0Airmet (Pacific)
WA1Airmet (Northeast)
WA2Airmet (Southeast)
WA3Airmet (North Central)
WA4Airmet (South Central)
WA5Airmet (Rocky Mountains)
WA6Airmet (West Coast)
WA7Airmet (Juneau, AK)
WA8Airmet (Anchorage, AK)
WA9Airmet (Fairbanks, AK)
WARSpace Environment Warning
WATSpace Environment Watch
WCNWeather Watch Clearance Notification
WCRWeekly Weather and Crop Report
WDAWeekly Data for Agriculture
WDUWarning Decision Update
WEKRoutine Space Environment Product Issued Weekly
WOUTornado/Severe Thunderstorm Watch
WS1Sigmet (Northeast)
WS2Sigmet (Southeast)
WS3Sigmet (North Central)
WS4Sigmet (South Central)
WS5Sigmet (Rocky Mountains)
WS6Sigmet (West Coast)
WSTTropical Cyclone Sigmet
WSVVolcanic Activity Sigmet
WSWWinter Weather Warnings / Watches / Advisories
WWAWatch Status Report
WWPSevere Thunderstorm / Tornado Watch Probabilities
ZFPZone Forecast Product

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