DAP Learning Series

Shifting Your Metrics Mindset

Learn how to orient your analytics strategy around success metrics.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital Analytics Program (DAP) and Digital.gov

Join us to discuss how the classic model of metrics measurement may be giving us an inaccurate picture. We’ll talk about shifting your mindset from pageviews and clicks to orient your analytics strategy around success metrics.

About the speaker

Tim Lowden manages the federal government’s aggregated web analytics initiative, the Digital Analytics Program (DAP), at the General Services Administration (GSA) where he oversees training and support for over 3,000 users. Annually, more than 1000 attendees learn about various web analytics topics in DAP webinars, half-day virtual seminars, and on-site workshops.

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) helps agencies better understand the public’s interaction with the federal digital space, and records over 2.5 billion pageviews on more than 5,000 federal government websites each month. Much of these data are available to the public at analytics.usa.gov.