Fish & Wildlife Service LogoNational Refuge System LogoAmerica's National Wildlife Refuge System


Select the Database of Interest:

1. Refuge System Threatened and Endangered Species
2. Special Events
3. Revenue Sharing Payments

1. Refuge System Threatened and Endangered Species

The Refuge System endangered species database can be searched by species to find which Refuge System units report the species being present or can be searched by unit to find out which species are found on a particular unit of the Refuge System.

2. Special Events

The Special Events Database provides information about special events sponsored by the Fish and Wildlife Service in the National Wildlife Refuge System and other Service Offices. Special events, such as International Migratory Bird Day, that are co-sponsored, by the Fish and Wildlife Service and its partners throughout the western hemisphere, may also be found here.

Fish and Wildlife Service personnel who want to enter information in the Special Events Database may access the database through the Service's intranet server. Cooperators who which to enter information should contact the Fish and Wildlife Service office they are working with for assistance.

3. Realty Revenue Sharing Payments

The Revenue Sharing Payments database can be queried to see the payments made by the Fish and Wildlife Service to the local communities.



For a Refuge System Visitors Guide
call 1-800-344-WILD