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OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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RSA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Integrated Location Criteria of the Definition of “Competitive Integrated Employment” FAQ

The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) in the U.S. Department of Education (Department) has received requests for clarification of the definition of “competitive integrated employment,” particularly with respect to the “integrated employment location” criteria of that definition for purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program. In response, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page has been developed which addresses the criteria for an integrated employment location within the definition of “competitive integrated employment” in section 7(5)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act), as amended by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and its implementing VR program regulations in 34 CFR §361.5(c)(9)(ii) (see 81 FR 55629 (August 19, 2016)). The information in these FAQs provides guidance and technical assistance to VR agencies and community rehabilitation programs so that they may assist individuals with disabilities to achieve high-quality employment.

(January 18, 2017)


Technical Assistance Circulars related to the One-Stop Service Delivery System

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) announces the publication of two Technical Assistance Circulars (TAC):

This policy guidance is being issued jointly with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career Technical and Adult Education and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment Training Administration.

TAC 17-02 provides general guidance for the implementation of operational requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) pertaining to the one-stop delivery system, branded nationally as the American Job Center network. Due to the broad scope of the one-stop delivery system, encompassing multiple programs administered by different Federal agencies, this guidance provides the primary components for understanding and implementing an integrated American Job Center network.

TAC 17-03 provides guidance on the operating costs of the one-stop delivery system, which are comprised of infrastructure costs and additional costs (i.e., career services, shared operating costs, and shared services) in accordance with the requirements set forth in WIOA and its implementing regulations.

(January 18, 2017)


Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) is pleased to publish A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities (PDF, 1.1MB). This guide is being issued by OSERS, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, and the Office of Special Education Programs to advance our efforts in ensuring that all students and youth with disabilities are equipped with the skills and knowledge to be engaged in the 21st century workforce. This transition guide addresses the following topics to facilitate a seamless transition from school to post-school activities:

  • Transition planning: opportunities and programs;
  • Transition services and requirements, as authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act;
  • Education and employment options for students and youth with disabilities after leaving secondary school; and
  • Supporting decisions made by students and youth with disabilities.
We recognize the significance of collaborative partnerships and hope that the information in this guide will assist students and youth with disabilities and their families in developing and pursuing their goals for adult life. Additionally, this transition guide will help students and youth with disabilities and their families to better understand how State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies work together to facilitate improved outcomes for students and youth with disabilities.

(January 13, 2017)


Performance Accountability Guidance for WIOA Core Programs

WIOA State Plans

The Departments of Labor and Education are pleased to announce the availability of the approved Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Unified or Combined State Plans at WIOA State Plans. The public and workforce system stakeholders may view, download, or search the State Plans for information on how states are undertaking the implementation of WIOA. The search feature provides users a method for searching any or all State plans based on a topic, word or phrase within a section, multiple sections, or the entirety of a State plan, and to compare strategies and practices.

(December 15, 2016)


WIOA Section 188 nondiscrimination and equal opportunity regulations

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Civil Rights Center (CRC) announces publication of WIOA Section 188 nondiscrimination and equal opportunity regulations (29 CFR Part 38) in the Federal Register on December 2, 2016. The rule’s updated provisions generally reflect obligations already imposed by changes to other nondiscrimination and equal opportunity laws that expanded, for example, protections against unlawful discrimination on the basis of disability, national origin (including limited English proficiency), and sex.

Check out the rule, a Fact Sheet, FAQs, and other related information on the CRC’s Web site at https://www.dol.gov/crc/188rule/.

(December 2, 2016)


Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR)—November 2016

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), together with its federal partners in the Departments of Education and Labor, provided technical assistance on the final regulations under titles I and IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) at the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) fall conference, November 7 through November 10, 2016. Under title I, the technical assistance addressed final regulations implementing the joint performance indicators and the one-stop infrastructure. Under title IV, the Rehabilitation Act, the technical assistance addressed final regulations implementing program-specific changes made to the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services program and the State Supported Employment Services program, as well as final regulations implementing new section 511, Limitations on the Use of Subminimum Wage.

(November 23, 2016)



OSEP/RSA: Transition-Related Changes to the VR Program Regulations

On October 13, 2016, RSA and OSEP held a webinar focused specifically on transition-related changes under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The webinar focused on transition-related changes to the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program regulations, as amended by WIOA including transition-related definitions specific to the provision of pre-employment transition services and transition services; the scope of pre-employment transition services, group transition services and individualized transition services; requirements of and considerations related to the formal interagency agreement between State educational agencies and VR agencies; and limitations on the use of subminimum wage. The OSEP website contains links to this event and other WIOA related TA materials.

For resources and more information please visit: Osep.grads360.org

(October 13, 2016)


WIOA Joint Policy Guidance on Data Sharing and Confidentiality

The Departments of Labor and Education are committed to providing technical assistance as State workforce and education partner agencies begin preparation for reporting under WIOA. Accordingly, the Departments of Labor and Education are issuing this joint guidance on data matching to facilitate performance reporting and evaluation. This joint guidance is a resource to provide information to assist State agencies, educational agencies and institutions, and service providers in meeting WIOA requirements. The joint guidance and any related documents may be found at http://familypolicy.ed.gov/content/joint-guidance-data-matching-facilitate-wioa-performance-reporting-and-evaluation.

(August 23, 2016)


Additional WIOA Information and Resources


To learn more about RSA—or use tools and download data—visit our Web portal at https://rsa.ed.gov or click on one of the links below.

Last Modified: 01/19/2017