ESDIS Standards Office (ESO)

NASA's ESDIS Standards Office (ESO) assists NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project in formulating standards policy for NASA Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS), coordinates standards activities within ESDIS, and provides technical expertise and assistance with standards related tasks within NASA's Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG).

ESO maintains a list of standards approved for use in NASA Earth Science Data Systems, as well as related technical information and useful ESDS references. ESO also leads the ESO Standards Interest Group (SIG) to facilitate discussion about data systems standards, conventions, and best practices relevant to NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).

ESO leads the formation of technical working groups that are responsible for reviewing candidate standards and technical notes that may be brought forward by ESDSWG, ESDIS, or others in NASA's Earth science community. ESO recruits members for technical working groups from within ESDSWG participants as well as from the broader NASA Earth science community.

ESO serves other ESDIS teams such as the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) project team and the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) project team by conducting public reviews of documents on an as-needed basis.

Important Dates

OGC 115th Technical Committee, Virtual/Online June 15-23, 2020
ESIP Summer Meeting, Virtual/Online July 14-24, 2020

  • Standards and References: A listing and description of standards approved for use in NASA Earth science data systems, including data formats, metadata formats, and discovery and access technologies.

  • Standards Process: An overview of the process for identification of appropriate standards and subsequent adoption for use in NASA Earth science data systems.

  • Instructions to RFC Authors: How to submit a document to ESO for consideration via the standards process.

  • ESO collaboration area: The collaboration area for the Standards Interest Group, Standards Process Review Working Group and other technical working groups.

  • ESO SIG: A discussion group focused on data systems standards, conventions, and best practices relevant to the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).

  • ESO Document Reviews: ESO solicits reviews of documents submitted as part of the Standards Process.

  • CMR Reviews: ESO assists the CMR project Team with public reviews of metadata documents.

  • GCMD Keywords Reviews: ESO assists the GCMD project Team with public reviews of GCMD Keyword releases.


Page Last Updated: May 26, 2020 at 10:46 AM EDT