1. Collaborate


The mission of NASA's Earth Science program is to develop a scientific understanding of Earth as a system. To meet this challenge, the Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program provides a variety of ways for Earth scientists to collaborate with NASA. ESDS actively promotes the full and open sharing of data, software, and services and provides the means to meet these challenges.


ESDS supports and enhances the goals of several international and national organizations dedicated to Earth science and standards development.

Earthdata for All Audiences

The NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) archive a variety of diverse Earth science data sets and provide services to user communities. While the DAACS provide specific disciplinary expertise to scientific research communities, the data is also valuable for applied science and community decision makers who can Earth science data to inform decisions about our environment, food, water, health, and safety. NASA supports these users with high quality, user-friendly, and socially-relevant data and user services. Learn about Earthdata resources for the Applications Community.

Open Data, Services, and Software Policies

ESDS promotes the full and open sharing of all data, metadata, products, information, documentation, models, images, and research results—and the source code used to generate, manipulate, and analyze them. Scientific knowledge is most robust and actionable when derived from transparent, traceable, and reproducible methods.

ESDS Open Source Software Policy

ESDS requires that all software developed through research and technology awards or in-house government-funded development is to be made available to the public as Open Source Software (OSS).

Adding New Data

The Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) partners with data creators and providers to archive and serve their data to a global community of millions of users. EOSDIS offers this service through discipline-specific and common tools, at no cost to the data provider, with the added benefit of protecting data from disaster and technology obsolescence. Because each mission is unique, the process and requirements for submission will vary depending on the source of your data.

DOI Process

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), are permanent and unique references to data products in long term storage and distribution spaces. DOIs facilitate data retrieval and allow researchers to publish citations for the exact data and data products used in their research. Learn about the criteria for eligibility and the process for requesting DOI assignment.

Application Program Interfaces (APIs)

Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are sets of routines, tools and protocols for how software components interact. In order to promote the full and open sharing of all data, metadata, products, information, documentation, models, images, and research results EOSDIS makes a number of APIs available.

Common Metadata Repository (CMR)

Common Metadata Repository (CMR) is a continuously-evolving metadata system that catalogs all data and service metadata records for EOSDIS. As data archives continue to grow, cataloging, searching, and extracting relevant data from these archives becomes a critical part of Earth science research.

Earthdata Wiki

The Earthdata Wiki is a collection of tools that allow users and projects to communicate and collaborate within a host of common workspaces. The Earthdata Wiki runs on the Confluence platform (by Atlassian) and has many options for customization of a wiki space and use of various macros and plugins available. Users wanting to contribute must have a valid Earthdata Login to participate.

Earthdata Code Collaborative

The Earthdata Code Collaborative (ECC) is a platform for the development, testing, and discovery of Earthdata related applications and services. The ECC provides a ready-to-use framework for running your tests every time your code base changes, alerting your team of failures, and even makes recommendations about what testing frameworks and approaches to use.


NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Standards Office (ESO) assists in formulating standards policy for ESDS. ESO also coordinates standards activities within ESDIS, and provides technical expertise and assistance with standards related tasks within NASA's Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG).

Page Last Updated: Nov 10, 2020 at 2:20 PM EST