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Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Product Description: 

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is legislatively mandated to prepare and submit a Transportation Statistics Annual Report to Congress and the President each year. This 2019 edition of the report provides highlights on recent legislation, specifically the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act and the Geospatial Data Act of 2018, that call attention to the importance of credible statistics for public decision-making.

Topics of focus in this year’s report include:

  • changes in transportation technology;
  • an assessment of the state of statistics regarding transportation, and;
  • how emerging data sources might work in concert with traditional statistical programs.

In addition, the report discusses actions BTS is taking in response to new and longstanding challenges in an effort to continually develop improved and relevant transportation statistics.

> View the full Transportation Statistics Annual Report 2019

TSAR 2019 Cover Image

View previous editions of the Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Updated: Wednesday, December 18, 2019