Chairman Ajit Pai: click for press photo

Ajit Pai is the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He was designated Chairman by President Donald J. Trump in January 2017. He had previously served as Commissioner at the FCC, appointed by then-President Barack Obama and confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate in May 2012.

Regulatory Philosophy

Chairman Pai’s regulatory philosophy is informed by a few simple principles. Rules that reflect these principles will result in more innovation, more investment, better products and services, lower prices, more job creation, and faster economic growth.

  • Consumers benefit most from competition, not preemptive regulation. Free markets have delivered more value to American consumers than highly regulated ones.
  • No regulatory system should indulge arbitrage; regulators should be skeptical of pleas to regulate rivals, dispense favors, or otherwise afford special treatment.
  • Particularly given how rapidly the communications sector is changing, the FCC should do everything it can to ensure that its rules reflect the realities of the current marketplace and basic principles of economics.
  • As a creature of Congress, the FCC must respect the law as set forth by the legislature.
  • The FCC is at its best when it proceeds on the basis of consensus; good communications policy knows no partisan affiliation.

Selected Issues


Broadband is critical in modern American life. Especially when it comes to innovation, the Internet has leveled the playing field. It’s created a phenomenon that Chairman Pai calls the “democratization of entrepreneurship.” With a good idea and a broadband connection, entrepreneurs anywhere can compete in ways unthinkable a generation ago.

Yet too many Americans still don’t have broadband.  They are left on the other side of the “digital divide.” Chairman Pai has seen this for himself, from Barrow, Alaska to Fayetteville, West Virginia.

That’s why he has proposed a comprehensive plan to promote broadband deployment to all Americans. The federal government must make it easier to for broadband providers to retire increasingly obsolete copper lines in favor of next-generation technologies like fiber. It must enable rural residents to have the same choice for stand-alone broadband typically found in cities.  It must create a roadmap for state and local governments so that companies that want to compete in the broadband market don’t have to jump through unnecessary regulatory hoops in order to lay fiber to consumers.  It must promote common-sense policies like “Dig Once” and reform pole attachment rules to reduce the costs of building digital networks. It must streamline the process for deploying wireless infrastructure, from big towers to small cells.  It must free up more licensed spectrum for use by wireless carriers and more unlicensed spectrum for things like Wi-Fi.  And it must preserve Internet freedom here and abroad, so that the online world can flourish free from heavy-handed government intervention.

First Amendment

Chairman Pai has been an outspoken defender of First Amendment freedoms. When the FCC proposed to send researchers into newsrooms to question why reporters cover some stories and not others, Chairman Pai sounded the alarm. Soon after, the FCC canceled the study. Chairman Pai has also spoken out about threats to free speech here and abroad and has warned against government efforts to regulate the marketplace of ideas.

Public Safety

Public safety is a top priority for Chairman Pai. He took action to ensure that consumers can reach emergency services whenever they dial 911. He has also called on the FCC to help law enforcement combat the rising threat posed by contraband cellphones in our jails and prisons. And he’s pushed for the advancement of Next Generation 911, an Internet-based system which will help keep Americans safe.

Fiscal Responsibility

Chairman Pai has fought to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in federal programs. He was the first commissioner to demand an end to corporate welfare in a recent major spectrum auction; the agency ultimately agreed, saving taxpayers over $3 billion. He has been outspoken against the waste, fraud, and abuse in the Lifeline program, leading an investigation into the issue. And he wants to make sure that every federal program under the FCC’s purview gets the most bang for the buck.

Taking the Initiative and Getting Results

In addition to the accomplishments mentioned above, Chairman Pai was the first member of the FCC in over two decades to call for revitalizing the AM radio band; the basic reforms he proposed were adopted in 2015. He also urged the FCC to create a task force to study the “Internet Protocol Transition” and report on obsolete rules that could be repealed; that task force was created. He proposed a way for the FCC to address petitions filed by the public much more quickly; that “rocket docket” is now in place and has dramatically sped up the agency’s decision-making. With respect to outside review and oversight, in at least half a dozen high-profile cases in which he dissented, federal courts of appeals have upheld his position. And in other such cases, one or both Houses of Congress has passed legislation consistent with his position.


Biographical Information

Jenner & Block, LLP. Partner, 2011 – 2012 

Federal Communications Commission. Deputy General Counsel, Associate General Counsel, and Special Advisor to the General Counsel, 2007 – 2011

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Counsel, Chairman Sam Brownback, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights, 2005-2007

U.S. Department of Justice. Senior Counsel, Office of Legal Policy, 2004 – 2005

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Chairman Jeff Sessions, Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Court, 2003-2004

Verizon Communications Inc. Associate General Counsel, 2001 – 2003

U.S. Department of Justice. Trial Attorney (Attorney General’s Honors Program), Antitrust Division, Telecommunications Task Force, 1998 – 2001

Hon. Martin L.C. Feldman, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Law Clerk, 1997 – 1998

Chairman Pai graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1994 and from the University of Chicago Law School in 1997, where he was an editor of the University of Chicago Law Review and won the Thomas R. Mulroy Prize. In 2010, Pai was one of 55 individuals nationwide chosen for the 2011 Marshall Memorial Fellowship, a leadership development initiative of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

The son of immigrants from India, Chairman Pai grew up in Parsons, Kansas. He now lives in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife, Janine; son, Alexander; and daughter, Annabelle.

Matthew Berry

Matthew Berry

Chief of Staff

Matthew Berry serves as the Commission’s Chief of Staff. He has previously served as the Commission's General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel. In those roles, he was responsible for providing legal advice to the Commission and managing the Commission's litigation docket. Prior to joining then-Commissioner Pai’s office in 2012, he was a Partner at Patton Boggs LLP, where he was a member of the firm's Technology and Communications practice group. Mr. Berry has also worked at the United States Department of Justice, serving as Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy and an attorney-adviser in the Office of Legal Counsel. During his tenure there, he earned the Department's John Marshall Award for providing legal advice related to counter-terrorism policy.

Mr. Berry has also served as a law clerk for United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Laurence Silberman of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Additionally, he has worked as a staff attorney at the Institute for Justice. Mr. Berry graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College and received his J.D. from Yale Law School.

Nicholas Degani

Nicholas Degani

Senior Counsel

Mr. Degani has served as Chairman Pai’s Senior Counsel since January 2017, except for a six-week period during which he served as the agency’s Acting General Counsel. From June 2012 through January 2017, Mr. Degani served as then-Commissioner Pai’s Wireline Legal Advisor. He joined the office from a detail to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, where he served as counsel under Chairman Fred Upton and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden. Before his detail, Mr. Degani served as an Attorney Advisor in the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Telecommunications Access Policy Division and Competition Policy Division, as well as the Commission’s Office of General Counsel. Mr. Degani entered the Commission through the Attorney Honors Program. Earlier in his career, Mr. Degani clerked for Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School and magna cum laude from Yale University, where he studied Electrical Engineering/Computer Science and History.

Allison Baker

Allison Baker

Economic Advisor

Ms. Baker advises Chairman Pai on Economic issues. Ms. Baker joins the Office of the Chairman from her position as Economic Advisor to the Chief of the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. She came to the FCC in 2012, working on data and economics projects in WCB’s Telecommunications Access Policy Division and in the FCC’s former Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis. She earned her bachelor’s degree in economics from Colorado State University and her master’s degree in economics from Georgia State University. She is also currently enrolled in Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law.

Michael Carowitz

Michael Carowitz

Special Counsel

Michael Carowitz recently served as Acting Chief of the Enforcement Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission, where he led one of the Commission's largest organizational units, including its field offices around the country. For two decades, Mr. Carowitz has held positions within the communications law field, including an association with a leading Washington DC law firm and service as in-house legal counsel for a start-up provider of broadband and other telecommunications services. While at the Commission, from 2013 until January 2017, Mr. Carowitz was Deputy Chief of the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Prior to that, he served for seven years (2005-2012) as Associate Chief/ Chief of Staff of the Commission's Enforcement Bureau. He received his J.D., cum laude, and his B.A, from the University of Michigan.

Zenji Nakazawa

Zenji Nakazawa

Public Safety and Consumer Protection Advisor

Mr. Nakazawa advises Chairman Pai on public safety, homeland security, consumer protection, and enforcement issues. Mr. Nakazawa joins the office from the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, where he served as chief of the Policy and Rules Division. In that capacity, he oversaw several key portfolios, including Next Generation 911, emergency alerting, public safety spectrum issues, as well as issues concerning law enforcement and national security. Prior to that, he served as deputy chief of the division and as a staff attorney and acting legal adviser in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. He also worked in Japan as a Mansfield Fellow. Mr. Nakazawa graduated from the University of Richmond, T.C. Williams School of Law, and received his undergraduate degree in Economics from Bucknell University.

Alexander Sanjenis

Alexander Sanjenis

Media Advisor

Mr. Sanjenis advises Chairman Pai on media issues. Mr. Sanjenis previously served as a Legal Advisor in the front office of the Media Bureau, and as a staff attorney in the Media Bureau’s Audio Division, where he focused on a wide range of broadcast policy issues including the licensing of translator, noncommercial educational and low power FM stations. Mr. Sanjenis graduated from the University of Miami School of Law. He earned his LLM from the American University Washington College of Law and received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University.

C. Sean Spivey

C. Sean Spivey

Wireless and International Advisor

Mr. Spivey advises Chairman Pai on wireless and international issues. Mr. Spivey joins the Office of the Chairman from the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, where he has served as Legal and Policy Advisor to the Bureau Chief. Prior to that, he was a senior associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Hogan Lovells US LLP, where he focused on telecommunications matters. He also worked at the Competitive Carriers Association and a law firm in Houston, Texas. He earned his law degree from Oklahoma City University School of Law and his bachelor’s from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas.

Evan Swarztrauber

Evan Swarztrauber

Policy Advisor

Evan previously worked for Commissioner Brendan Carr as a Policy Advisor on media issues. He also hosts the FCC's official podcast. Prior to joining the FCC, he was Director of Public Affairs at TechFreedom, managing the organization's communications and outreach teams, and representing the organization in a diverse array of coalitions. Evan also served as a communications staffer in the New York State Assembly and worked on a variety of political campaigns in New York City. Evan received his undergraduate degree from George Washington University.

Preston Wise

Preston Wise

Wireline Advisor

Mr. Wise has served in the Office of the Chairman since October 2018, most recently as Rural Broadband Advisor, after serving as an attorney-advisor in WCB’s Telecommunications Access Policy Division. Before joining the Commission in January 2017, he worked as an attorney for a firm in Bismarck, North Dakota. He earned his law degree from George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School and his bachelor’s degree in economics from North Dakota State University.

Deanne Erwin

Deanne Erwin

Executive Assistant

Ms. Erwin assists Mr. Nakazawa, Ms. Baker, and Mr. Spivey. Since 2012, she has served as the staff assistant to the office of Chairman Pai. Previously, she was the assistant for William Lake, Chief of the Media Bureau. Ms. Erwin began her career at the Commission in 2000.

Montana Hyde

Montana Hyde

Confidential Assistant

Ms. Hyde assists Chairman Pai as his Confidential Assistant. She joins the Chairman's Office from the White House where she spent two years serving as the Director of Youth Correspondence. Previously, she served as the Executive Assistant to the CEO at the American Legislative Exchange Council working closely with state legislators. She received her bachelor's degree in Human Services with a minor in Children's Rights from Old Dominion University.

Carlos Minnix

Carlos Minnix

Staff Assistant

Mr. Minnix assists Mr. Sanjenis and Mr. Wise. He joined the Chairman’s Office from the Enforcement Bureau’s Spectrum Enforcement Division, where he was a Staff Assistant. Mr. Minnix had served in that Division since 2007.

Andi Roane-Wiley

Andi Roane-Wiley

Executive Assistant

Ms. Roane-Wiley assists Mr. Berry, Mr. Degani, and Mr. Carowitz. Since returning to the FCC in 2014, Andi has served in various roles, including most recently as staff assistant in the office of Commissioner Brendan Carr. In prior FCC service, Andi served as the special assistant to the chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Previously, she worked as an executive assistant for more than two decades in the private sector.

October 21, 2014

Commissioner Pai Remarks

September 28, 2018

The FCC's 5G FAST Plan

March 30, 2017

Connect America Fund

October 21, 2014

Bios of Panel Witnesses

September 30, 2014

Pai Statement, Part 15 NPRM

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