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NCI CCT K Awards Evaluation

NCI’s career development (K) awards program provides support for early-career scientists and clinicians  to develop independent careers in cancer research.  A recent evaluation of the K awards program administered by NCI’s Center for Cancer Training tracked participants’subsequent outcomes and demonstrated that the program had a positive influence on their research careers. Outcomes included subsequent grant funding, publication activity, service on Federal advisory committees, and membership in scientifically-oriented professional societies, among other measures.

Read the full evaluation report

Read evaluation key findings in the Journal of Cancer Education

Report Highlights

  • Gender equity exists in K funding success: Men and women were equally successful in receiving K awards.  Any gender disparities in the K portfolio were due to differences in application rates rather than success rates.
  • Time to first R01 is unaffected:  Time spent participating in the K program generally did not prolong time to receipt of first R01 grant.
  • K awardees have improved odds of subsequent NIH research funding:  Proportionately more K awardees had NIH and NCI grants than non-awardees. 
  • K awardees are highly published:  A greater proportion of K awardees had subsequent research publications, and the average and median number of publications per person was higher than for non-awardees. 
  • K awardees are more involved in the scientific community:  Proportionately more K awardees were active members of scientific professional societies and were more likely to serve on Federal advisory committees and NIH review panels. 
  • K awardees are more likely to remain involved in the scientific enterprise: K awardees had improved odds of continuing as funded researchers and greater odds of remaining engaged in the broader scientific research enterprise.