MobileGov Community

Working to implement solutions for making mobile technologies better in government

Open to anyone with a .gov or .mil email address.

Join by email

To join, email with Subscribe to MobileGov in the subject.

934 members
Avg. 2.62 emails per week

Community Managers

GSA | Washington D.C.

MobileGov Community of Practice members, a network of federal employees, work across agencies to create anytime, anywhere government resources and solutions for today and tomorrow.

Hear how forward-thinking agencies are tackling public-facing mobile technologies together, and help build government-wide solutions.


Only federal employees are invited to join this Mobile Community of Practice.

Federal employees can send an email to David Fern with “Subscribe to MobileGov” in the subject line.

Community Conduct

The Communities of Practice are hosted by, a service of the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) within the General Services Administration (GSA). GSA is a federal agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and must comply with requests for records made under FOIA. As a result, all communications made on this Communities of Practice LISTSERV are subject to release under FOIA.

When participating in this CoP, follow Community Guidelines.