Environmental Review Toolkit

  FAST Act Guidance and Information ⇒

Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act or 'FAST Act'
On December 4, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, or "FAST Act" - the first Federal law in over ten years to provide long-term funding certainty for surface transportation. View all highlights
go to Infrastructure Voluntary Evaluation Sustainability Tool (INVEST)
FHWA announced an applied research funding opportunity for transportation agencies to use INVEST to assess and enhance the sustainability of their projects and programs. The deadline for submitting letters of interest is January 5, 2017. View all highlights
Welcome to the Environmental Review Toolkit
The Environmental Review Toolkit is a one-stop resource for information and updates about transportation and environment.

The Toolkit provides up-to-date information on transportation and environment policy, guidance, best practices, and training. View all highlights
FHWA’s Successes in Stewardship newsletter
For the past 15 years, FHWA's Office of Project Delivery and Environmental Review has highlighted environmental streamlining practices from around the country in this monthly newsletter.

View the special anniversary issue!

View all highlights
Implementing the Eco-Logical Approach
Learn about the FHWA, FRA, and USFWS informal range-wide programmatic consultation for the Indiana bat and the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) on the ESA Webtool's Biological Assessment web page. View all highlights
Implementing the Eco-Logical Approach
The Eco-Logical approach organizes current methods for addressing natural resource identification, avoidance, minimization and mitigation into a systematic, step-wise process that starts at the beginning of the transportation planning process and concludes with establishing programmatic approaches to recurring natural resource issues that are implemented at the project level. View all highlights
Go to the ESA Webtool
The ESA Webtool is an online tool to streamline the preparation of Biological Assessments and the consultation process under Section 7 of the Federal Endangered Species Act for projects where the Federal Highway Administration is the lead federal action agency. View all highlights
go to the Environmental Guidebook
The Environmental Guidebook provides up-to-date information on a variety of environmental and transportation planning topics to accelerate the delivery of transportation projects. View all highlights
go to RE:Nepa
Re:NEPA is the Federal Highway Administration's online "community of practice." Re:NEPA supports and encourages the open exchange of knowledge, information, experience, and ideas about the National Environmental Policy Act, related environmental issues, and transportation decisionmaking. View all highlights
go to Environmental Competency Building
The Environmental Competency Building Program provides a central source of information for transportation and environmental professionals to develop competency in the environmental disciplines required for their work. View all highlights
Planning and Environment Linkages   NEPA and Project Development   Accelerating Project Delivery
Historic Preservation   Section 4(f)   Water, Wetlands, and Wildlife


This page last updated on February 8, 2017