Data Transparency

The FCC actively promotes the innovative application of agency data in the public and private sectors. connects citizen developers with the tools they need to unlock government data. Learn more about this interactive community and get involved. Learn more »

FCC Developer Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

  • Low Power FM (LPFM) API
    This API returns the LPFM channels available at given coordinates along with interfering stations.
  • Section 43.61 API
    Section 43.61 of the Commission’s rules require that each common carrier engaged in providing international telecommunications service between the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and off-shore U.S. points and any country or point outside that area file a report with the Commission.
  • Public Inspection Files API
    For decades, the public file for each station has been kept at the station’s main studio in paper form (or more recently in electronic form at some stations) and made available during normal business hours. Relying on the advantages of current technology, however, the Commission has now changed its rules to require almost all of this public file information for television stations to be posted online at this site.
  • Accessibility Clearinghouse API
    The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act put into motion new requirements to ensure that everyone has access to communications as well as the ability to send and receive emergency information and services.
  • FCC Census Block Conversions
    Like politics, all data is local. Unlock the US Census Block number of any geographic coordinate using the FCC Census Block Search.  This API also returns the associated US State and County name, with more layers coming soon.
  • FCC Content API
    Content is data and the content of is made accessible by the FCC Content API.
  • FCC Consumer Broadband Test
    Over 1 million user speed tests were generated from FCC Consumer Broadband Test. This API delivers data on the number of tests, average user download/upload speeds, and more.
  • FCC Form 499 Filer Database API
    The FCC Form 499 Filer Database is an identification system for all interstate telecommunications carriers, all interconnected VoIP providers, and certain other providers of interstate telecommunications. This API returns the FCC Form 499 information that matches any of several parameters including Filer ID, FRN Number, State, and Primary Communications Type.
  • FCC Registration Number Conversions
    Quickly tap FCC Registration Numbers (FRNs)to learn more company information about broadband providers, which often change from state to state.
  • FCC License View
    Spectrum is a national resource. License View provides information on over 3 million FCC issued licenses for use of the nation's airwaves and other purposes.
  • Spectrum Dashboard
    The Spectrum Dashboard allows new ways for citizens to search spectrum in the United States. These APIs deliver information on spectrum band allocation and who own licenses within the 225 MHz to 3700 MHz frequency range.
  • Broadband Map APIs
    The APIs that drive the Broadband Map allow a variety of means to build tools that consume the site's data.

FCC Software Development Kits (SDKs)

Terms of Service

FCC Open Source Projects

  • Digital Strategy Drupal Module
    The Digital Strategy module was built to help all agencies serve up the standard tagged progress report. More importantly it provides a systematic approach to publishing Digital Strategy progress across government.
  • Content API Drupal Module
    The Content API module is a drop-in solution that publishes all of your Drupal content as web APIs. The module includes a full featured administration interface for choosing which content types and fields to publish.
  • SlashMaps for MapBox Drupal Module
    The SlashMaps for MapBox module allows you to integrate MapBox's fast and flexible map hosting into your Drupal site. The module creates a /maps page listing all the maps from your MapBox account with a thumbnail preview.
  • FCC on Github
    The FCC seeks to actively contribute code from internal and external projects anytime it can be of use to other government agencies or the public.

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