13. Employed Hispanic or Latino workers by sex, occupation, class of worker, full- or part-time status, and detailed ethnic group
[In thousands]
Category Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Total(1) Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Total, 16 years and over

19,906 20,269 12,622 12,697 1,612 1,627 850 867


11,800 12,049 7,800 7,850 835 822 470 484


8,106 8,220 4,822 4,848 777 805 379 383


Management, professional, and related occupations

3,755 3,952 2,033 2,058 461 449 263 296

Management, business, and financial operations occupations

1,562 1,662 859 884 178 172 113 129

Management occupations

1,142 1,169 639 628 128 103 85 93

Business and financial operations occupations

420 493 220 255 51 69 27 35

Professional and related occupations

2,194 2,291 1,174 1,175 283 277 150 167

Computer and mathematical occupations

194 205 103 95 32 30 10 12

Architecture and engineering occupations

177 178 96 96 22 15 11 14

Life, physical, and social science occupations

85 77 46 33 6 8 4 3

Community and social service occupations

229 251 111 134 35 40 12 7

Legal occupations

94 95 42 47 12 8 11 11

Education, training, and library occupations

686 713 394 375 85 82 42 61

Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations

244 252 124 125 26 23 18 13

Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations

484 518 258 270 65 71 43 47

Service occupations

5,257 5,201 3,376 3,318 375 374 173 151

Healthcare support occupations

506 466 284 252 66 60 22 17

Protective service occupations

437 404 249 224 74 73 27 22

Food preparation and serving related occupations

1,703 1,692 1,206 1,168 82 90 42 42

Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations

1,877 1,909 1,239 1,254 87 83 48 43

Personal care and service occupations

734 730 399 419 67 68 34 27

Sales and office occupations

4,228 4,370 2,521 2,571 449 482 215 229

Sales and related occupations

1,814 1,935 1,077 1,102 154 196 106 115

Office and administrative support occupations

2,413 2,435 1,444 1,469 295 286 109 114

Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations

3,272 3,296 2,399 2,403 104 117 85 85

Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations

412 430 378 392 2 3 0 1

Construction and extraction occupations

2,090 2,095 1,511 1,531 50 57 54 46

Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations

769 771 510 480 52 57 30 38

Production, transportation, and material moving occupations

3,395 3,450 2,294 2,348 222 205 114 106

Production occupations

1,755 1,761 1,228 1,248 111 92 44 42

Transportation and material moving occupations

1,640 1,689 1,066 1,099 112 113 69 65



Wage and salary workers(3)

468 501 426 457 3 2 5 3

Self-employed workers, unincorporated

11 21 8 13 0 1 1 1

Nonagricultural industries

Wage and salary workers(3)

18,170 18,572 11,400 11,478 1,558 1,579 790 813


2,193 2,105 1,330 1,251 298 276 100 107

Private industries

15,977 16,467 10,070 10,227 1,260 1,303 689 706

Private households

264 254 148 129 2 4 7 3

Other industries

15,713 16,213 9,922 10,098 1,258 1,299 682 704

Self-employed workers, unincorporated

1,244 1,162 782 738 50 45 54 49


Full-time workers

16,106 16,446 10,171 10,236 1,321 1,341 696 734

Part-time workers

3,800 3,823 2,451 2,462 292 286 154 133

(1) Includes persons of Central or South American origin and of other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, not shown separately.
(2) Unpaid family workers are included in total employed, but are not shown separately.
(3) Includes self-employed workers whose businesses are incorporated.
(4) Employed persons are classified as full- or part-time workers based on their usual weekly hours at all jobs regardless of the number of hours they are at work during the reference week. Persons absent from work also are classified according to their usual status. Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is less than 35 hours.

NOTE: Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data. Effective with January 2011 data, occupations reflect the introduction of the 2010 Census occupational classification system into the Current Population Survey, or household survey. This classification system is derived from the 2010 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). No historical data have been revised. Occupational data for 2011 are not strictly comparable with earlier years.

Last Modified Date: March 1, 2012