Spending on Social Welfare Programs in Rich and Poor States. Final Report.. New Mexico


Population (July 2003): 1.9 Million

Total State Expenditures - SFY 2002: $8,981 Million (US Total: $1,073,816 Million)

TANF Expenditures - SFY 2002 (% of total): 1.8% (US: 1.3%)

Medicaid Expenditures - SFY 2002 (% of total): 19.4% (US: 20.8%)

(Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau and NASBO 2002 State Expenditure Report)

Although New Mexico's per capita personal income is one of the lowest in the nation, the state does a good job raising revenue. The state's general fund recurring revenue collections are expected to increase by 8.1 percent in SFY 2004. Nearly 16 percent

of New Mexico's general fund revenues come from oil and gas production.

New Mexico has weathered the recent economic downturn well, experiencing only minor declines in revenue later than most states and maintaining an operating reserve well above five percent. The Department of Finance and Administration projects reserve balances will reach 9.6 percent of total recurring appropriations at the end of SFY 2004. State general fund revenues are expected to increase by 4.2 percent from SFY 2004 to 2005 due to abnormally high oil and gas prices as well as improvements in gross receipts, personal income, and corporate income tax collections. Projections suggest New Mexico's revenue will flatten from 2006 to 2008 as oil and gas prices decline and recent reductions in personal income taxes are phased in.

As noted earlier, New Mexico had one of the highest poverty rates in the nation in 2001, with approximately 17 percent of the state's population living in poverty, compared to 11 percent for the nation. New Mexico's unemployment rate is typically higher than most states. However, New Mexico performed better than the nation and most states during the recent economic downturn. In 2002, New Mexico's unemployment rate fell below the national rate and in 2003 and the first few months of 2004, unemployment rates in New Mexico have been only slightly above the national level. New Mexico employment growth has consistently been among the top five among all western states during the last year.

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