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U.S. and Japan Case Studies: Aging In Place 2020

Release Date: 
October 2020 (31 pages)
Posted Date:   
October 23, 2020

Since February 2017, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research and the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s (MLIT) Policy Research Institute, along with the Housing Bureau and Urban Renaissance Agency of Japan (UR), have held numerous joint research meetings focused on Aging in Place (AIP). In June 2017, Secretary Ben Carson of HUD; Minister Keiichi Ishii of MLIT; Maren Kasper, Executive Vice President of Ginnie Mae; and Masahiro Nakajima, President of UR, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC). The MOC focuses on AIP among elderly citizens in both countries. The aging of the population presents both countries with a significant demographic shift and AIP housing challenges. In the U.S., Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities and Villages are models of actively providing supportive services for the elderly with organized networks of volunteer, corporate, and governmental stakeholders. In Japan, mixed communities with a focus on promoting multi-generational resident communities are models of efficient service delivery to the elderly. As such, the MOC’s initial focus on AIP and related housing and urban planning policies is an area of joint research that will benefit both countries.

US Flag  Download Aging in Place: U.S. Case Studies

JAPAN Flag  Download Aging in Place: Japan Case Studies

The below link will take you to the Japanese language version of the reports, provided by MLIT. https://www.mlit.go.jp/pri/shiryou/aip_kobetsu/interimreport.html