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Multidisciplinary Research Team Reports

Posted Date:   
April 17, 2015

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PD&R developed the Multidisciplinary Research Team (MDRT) vehicle to manage a team of qualified researchers. Researchers are selected for their expertise to produce an array of high quality, short-turnaround research. MDRT researchers use a variety of HUD and external data sources to answer research questions relating to HUD’s priority policies and strategic goals.

Current projects underway through MDRT include:

Implementation and Early Results of Housing Choice Vouchers for Non-elderly Persons with Disabilities (Mainstream Vouchers)

The objective of this study is to analyze the implementation and early results of Housing Choice Vouchers for non-elderly persons with disabilities, including the Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Voucher Program and the recently appropriated Mainstream Voucher Program. The study will have two major components: (a) Characteristics of Assisted Population and Units and Lease-Up Success Rate of the Mainstream and NED Voucher Programs ; and (b) Challenges and Successful Approaches in the Administration of the Program by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).

Identifying a Measure of the Impact of Regulatory Barriers on Affordable Housing

This task order supports a major HUD priority to help state and local governments identify overly burdensome regulations associated with land use and housing development that unnecessarily increase the cost of housing, with the ultimate goal of removing those barriers and thereby increasing access to affordable housing.

Flood insurance coverage of FHA Single-Family Homes

HUD knows very little about the exposure of FHA single-family properties to flood hazard risk and the extent to which homeowners carry requisite flood insurance policies. As the extent and costs of flood damage increase throughout the United States, HUD must develop analytical tools to better understand the risk of flood hazard to its asset portfolios.