Vision - To prevent, mitigate, and treat the effects of traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury on function, wellness, and overall quality of life for Service members as well as their caregivers and families

Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program Cover Image

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The Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program (PH/TBIRP) was established by Congress in FY07 in response to the devastating impact of TBI and PH issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), on our deployed Service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. Appropriations totaling $300M—$150M each for TBI and PH (including PTSD)—were assigned to the CDMRP for the purpose of soliciting and managing critical TBI- and PH-related research and development efforts to benefit Service members, veterans, and other beneficiaries of the military health system.

Additional congressional appropriations for the PH/TBIRP were assigned to the USAMRMC between FY09 and FY14, and a modified execution model, including assignment of program strategic oversight to USAMRMC-based research program areas aligned with the OASD(HA), was established. As directed by the OASD(HA), the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate manages and executes the Defense Health Program (DHP) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation, which includes the PH/TBIRP. The DHA RDA Directorate leverages PH/TBIRP funding to support ongoing research and development in three core DHP research program areas assigned to study PH and TBI, including:

  • Joint Program Committee-5/Military Operational Medicine Research Program (JPC-5/MOMRP)
  • Joint Program Committee-6/Combat Casualty Care Research Program (JPC-6/CCCRP)
  • Joint Program Committee-8/Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Research Program (JPC-8/CRMRP)
These JPCs provide recommendations to the DHA RDA Directorate on research gaps, focus areas, and funding options for the PH/TBIRP. The CDMRP works in partnership with the JPCs to provide operational execution management support as needed for the PH/TBIRP, including development of program announcements, solicitation and review of applications, full life-cycle management of awards, as well as program evaluation and planning. The CDMRP-managed application review for the PH/TBIRP follows a two-tiered model, where consumer involvement continues to be a hallmark. Our nation's wounded warriors serve in this capacity for the PH/TBIRP, representing fellow Service members and veterans to help identify the most relevant and impactful research. The modified execution process allows greater flexibility for aligning PH/TBIRP congressional special interest funds to complement core DoD research and development efforts. For more information on CDMRP's support of DHP core research areas, see the Defense Medical Research and Development Program page.

Congressional Appropriations

Congressional Appropriations

  • $827.5 million
    in FY07, FY09-15
  • $125.0 million
    in FY16 (estimated)

Funding Summary


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To prevent, mitigate, and treat the effects of traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury on function, wellness, and overall quality of life for Service members as well as their caregivers and families


Establish, fund, and integrate both individual and multi-agency research efforts that will lead to improved prevention, detection, and treatment of PH/TBI

Last updated Wednesday October 05 2016