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The American Forum of the Air: the Housing Outlook for 1948


Release Date: 
December 1947 (12 pages)
Posted Date:   
June 23, 2020

This historic document is a transcript of the December 30, 1947 episode of the radio show “The American Forum of the Air.” Broadcast from the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., the topic of this episode was the American housing market outlook for 1948. The episode was moderated by American Forum Director Theodore Granik and featured the following participants: former U.S. Housing Administrator Nathan Straus; President Morgan L. Fitch of the National Association of Real Estate Boards; Persident Edward R. Carr of the National Association of Home Builders; and vice chairman Leon H. Keyserling of President Truman’s Council of Economic Advisors.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.