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MSG 2001-046

Acting Associate Director for Workforce Compensation and Performance

New Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Information Technology Group, GS-2200, and Related Special Rate Schedules

I am very pleased to announce that the Workforce Compensation and Performance Service has issued the new Job Family Standard for Administrative Work in the Information Technology Group, GS-2200, for application. This new job family standard (JFS) establishes the new Information Technology (IT) Management Series, GS-2210, and abolishes its predecessor standard, which covered the Computer Specialist Series, GS-0334. In addition, we have amended the IT special rate tables 999A-999F to include the new Information Technology Management Series, GS-2210.

Job Family Standard for Administrative Work in the Information Technology Group, GS-2200.

We will distribute the new JFS directly to the classification chiefs, and it will be available on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Web site shortly. In addition, we have attached to this memorandum interpretive guidance to assist you in implementing the new standard. 

This JFS is the product of an effective collaboration between OPM and its stakeholders. We are particularly grateful to the Human Resources Management Council and to the Chief Information Officers' Council for their leadership in ensuring that this standard responds to the issues confronting the Federal Government in managing its IT workforce. This JFS, in combination with other innovative human resources management tools under development by OPM, will contribute to enhancing the ongoing effort to recruit and retain a quality IT workforce. 

If you have any questions about this JFS, please contact Judy Davis, Chief, Classification Programs Division, on (202) 606-2950 or at

IT Special Rates  

We have amended the IT special rate tables 999A-999F to include the new Information Technology Management Series, GS-2210. The amended IT special rate tables may be obtained from All employees whose positions are classified in the GS-2210 series at grades GS-5/7/9/11/12/13 are entitled to the IT special rates applicable for their official duty station. 

We are also temporarily retaining the GS-334 Computer Specialist series designation for IT special rate coverage purposes. All employees whose positions are classified in the GS-334 series will continue to receive the applicable IT special rate for their grade and duty station upon issuance of the new Information Technology Management Series, GS-2210. The IT special rate tables will also continue to cover the GS-854 Computer Engineer and GS-1550 Computer Scientist occupational series. 

It is very important that agencies apply the new Job Family Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Information Technology Group, GS-2200, to their affected IT positions. Application of the new JFS may affect a position's series and grade designation. This could have a direct effect on an employee's entitlement to the IT special rates. Agencies must make all such reclassification actions and any resulting pay changes effective prospectively on the first day of a pay period. Agencies must not effect such classification and pay changes retroactively. 

If you have any questions about the IT special rates, please contact the Pay and Leave Administration Division on (202) 606-2858 or at

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