Recent Coastal and Marine Fieldwork - October-November 2020

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Learn more about the recent field activities completed by scientists in the Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program at the USGS, and explore the Science Projects that guide this fieldwork.

This article is part of the October-November 2020 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.

Dots on map of United States show general locations where scientists recently conducted fieldwork.

Approximate locations of our recent fieldwork.

Herring River Estuary, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Monitoring of surface water and pore-water depth, salinity, and temperature, soil temperature and meteorological data in Herring River estuary to examine environmental geochemistry and health of the estuary. June-October
Learn more about the project, “Environmental Geochemistry

Santa Cruz county and San Mateo county coastal watersheds, California: CZU Lightning Complex wildfire geochemistry: Collecting sediment samples for analysis, to characterize sediment geochemical, carbon, and contaminant changes associated with wildfire and potential loading to coastal systems. September 2020-March 2021
Learn more about the project, “Landscape Response to Disturbance

Monterey Bay, California: Collected nearshore bathymetry and beach topography from northern Monterey Bay area beaches. September-October (northern Bay area) and October (southern Bay area).
Learn more about the project, “Climate impacts on Monterey Bay area beaches

A man walks on a beach with a tablet in hand and a backpack on with scientific equipment extending from it.

Conducting a beach profile survey at field site on Madeira Beach with GPS equipment.

Sand Key, Clearwater, Florida: Collected beach elevation transects to support the Sand Key remote-sensing video camera operation. October
Learn more about the project, “Video Remote Sensing of Coastal Processes

Grand Bay/Point aux Chenes Bay Alabama/Mississippi border: Collected sediment samples from marsh area to assess Hurricane Delta marsh deposition (grain size, LOI, diatoms, and sediment volume deposited), October; and collected single-beam bathymetry (depth) with personal water craft, to assess marsh history. October-November
Learn more about the project, “Estuarine and Marsh Geology

Whale’s Tail site assessment, South San Francisco Bay: Assess site for study of marsh edge sediment dynamics. Collect baseline bathymetric data to assess navigability. October
Learn more about the project, “Sediment Transport in Coastal Environments

A man stands on a coastal bluff pushing a wheeled device and holding a small monitor.

Using a ground-penetrating radar system to map underground sedimentary features along a coastal cliff of Lake Michigan.

Manistee, Michigan: Used ground-penetrating radar to collect baseline geophysical and geological information about coastal bluff structure for studying coastal erosion patterns and causes. October
Learn more about the USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program

Southern California Borderland, California: Supporting science aboard Ocean Exploration Trust’s Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus with Remotely operating vehicle (ROV) Hercules; investigated benthic communities in poorly explored, mineral-rich ecosystems associated with phosphorites and ferromanganese crusts. October-November
Learn more about the project, “Global Marine Mineral Resources

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: Biscayne National Park, Fowey Rocks Lighthouse (Homestead, Florida); Crocker Reef (Islamorada, Florida); and Sombrero Reef (Marathon, Florida): Site visits to coral calcification monitoring stations to measure coral and algal calcification rates. October-November
Learn more about the project, “Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies

USGS employee measures water chemistry underwater in Double Keyhole Cave, FL

Measuring water chemistry 40’ underwater and underground in Double Keyhole Cave near the coastline of Tampa Bay, Florida.

Double Keyhole Cave, near Tampa Bay, Florida: Collected aqueous chemistry and hydrology of Double Keyhole Cave in advance of and just following Hurricane Eta. November
Learn more about the sampling device used to collect water samples: OsmoSampler
Learn more about the project, “Estuarine Processes, Hazards, and Ecosystems

Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California: Collected single-beam bathymetry (depth) with personal water craft, beach elevation with precision GPS equipment on an all-terrain vehicle, and Structure-from-Motion photos of coastal bluffs at Fort Funston; to monitor long-term changes in beach and subtidal sand volume and distribution on a highly energetic and erosive beach. November 5 and November 12
Learn more about the project, “Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.

Madeira Beach, Florida: Collected GPS beach elevation data in support of long-term monitoring at Madeira Beach and for the total water level (TWL) model. November 6 and November 16
Learn more about the project, “National Assessment of Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards