Visitor Information

Directions to the NIH Campus

9000 Rockville Pike
Building 31, Room 1C14
Bethesda, MD 20892
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NIH Visitor Security Information

 NIBIB Offices on NIH Campus

  • Office of the NIBIB Director
  • Office of Administrative Management
  • Office of Financial Management
  • Management Analysis and Ethics Office

Directions to the NIBIB Democracy Plaza Offices

Democracy Plaza Two
6707 Democracy Boulevard
Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20892-5469
View it on Google map

 By MetroRail from the NIH Campus

  • The NIH Main Campus is accessible by Metro. 
  • Take the Red Line to the Medical Center stop.
  • After getting off the escalators go straight all the way to the last bus stop.
  • Take the Rockledge Shuttle and Democracy II will be the last stop.

Click here for shuttle schedule

 NIBIB Offices are located in Suites 200, 202, 900 and 920.

  • Suite 200:
    • Extramural Science Programs
    • Office of Science Policy and Communications
  • Suite 202:
    • Office of the Director
    • Office of Administrative Management
    • Administrative Office
    • Information Technology Office
  • Suite 900: Office of Grants Management
  • Suite 920: Office of Scientific Review