Celebrating Veterans Serving in Habitat Conservation

November 09, 2020

Join us in celebrating Veterans Day and learn more about NOAA's vet corps partnerships employing veterans in the habitat restoration economy.


This Veterans Day, join us in honoring military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces and learn how NOAA and our partners work with veterans to build a community of habitat restoration practitioners across the nation. Our conservation and veteran corps community is made up of veterans, young adults, and others. These partnerships recruit, train, mentor, and employ workers to implement habitat restoration projects in support of long-term coastal restoration.

NOAA Veterans Corps: Progress By The Numbers

NOAA’s Veterans Corps partnerships are building on 8 years of growth, supporting habitat and fisheries restoration projects on the west coast.

Learn more about NOAA's Veterans Corps partnerships

Three veterans corps participants pose in snorkeling gear after monitoring a stream restoration project.
Among the many activities veterans corps participants experience is snorkeling to monitor habitat restoration projects.

Veteran Makes Professional and Personal Progress While Restoring Fish Habitat in Oregon

After a severe on-the-job injury, Coast Guard veteran Chris Sutherland is fulfilling his goals of working in environmental sciences through NOAA’s Veterans Corps—but not without other challenges along the way.

Learn how one veteran fulfilled his goals while restoring fish habitat

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Chris Sutherland, a Veterans Corps participant in Oregon, describes native plants in the nursery he works in.

Veterans Become Budding Marine Scientists Through Washington Internship Program

A partnership between NOAA Fisheries and the State of Washington introduces veterans to a wide array of marine science jobs and career paths.

Learn more the Washington Internship Program

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The NOAA Washington Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Conservation Corps Internship Program allows veterans to be part of marine science research teams.

NOAA Fisheries Veterans Corps Turned My Life Around

Army veteran Ryan Shorrow was going nowhere fast—until he found his future in the salmon streams of Northern California.

Learn more about NOAA Fisheries Veterans Corps 

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These Veterans Have a Mission: This Time, it’s Fighting for Coral

After 2018's hurricanes in the Caribbean, a team of military veterans put their hard-earned skills toward a different challenge: Restoring storm-damaged corals in Puerto Rico.

Learn more about veterans work restoring damaged corals in Puerto Rico

Force Blue divers in Puerto Rico

Video: Veterans Work to Restore Salmon Habitat

Veterans work to restore salmon habitat in California's Eel River Watershed.

    From The Air Force to Fisheries, a Former NOAA Veteran Intern’s Career Path in Science

    Barney Boyer, former Air Force engineer, was our first veteran intern in Washington. He leveraged the internship to earn a graduate degree, then landed at a Michigan environmental agency where he’s keeping the state’s waters clean for fish and communities.

    Learn more about a former NOAA veteran intern's career in science

    Two scientists stand in a stream, next to water quality testing equipment under the surface.
    Former NOAA veteran intern Barney Boyer (left) out in the field with water quality testing equipment. Image: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy

    Mission Abalone: Veterans Build SAFE Environments for Endangered White Abalone

    NOAA’s California Veterans Corps program provides post-9/11 veterans with opportunities to protect fisheries resources. It is now engaged in restoring abalone along the California coast.

    Learn more about NOAA's California Veteran Corps program

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    An abalone short-term abalone fixed enclosure (SAFE) being deployed into kelp forest habitat.