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Publication Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001-2016 - Statistical Tables

E. Ann Carson, Ph.D., BJS Statistician, Mary P. Cowhig, former BJS Statistician

February 12, 2020    NCJ 251920

This report is the eighth in a series covering the data collection on Mortality in Correctional Institutions (formerly the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program). It provides the number and rate of deaths among state and federal prisoners. It describes the cause of death, decedent characteristics, and 15-year trends of prisoner deaths (2001-2016).

Part of the Mortality in Local Jails and State Prisons Series

Full report (PDF 488K)
Data tables (Spreadsheet 37K)

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About the Source Data
Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI) (Formerly Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP))

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