Emergency Response

Emergency Response Banner

GSA provides assistance to federal employees, vendors, and the public. Find information on facilities, travel, damaged vehicles, GSA hot lines, and more.

Building lessors should report any problems with a buildings as a result of the Hurricane to Chris Wisner, Assistant Commissioner for Leasing at chris.wisner@gsa.gov.

Supplies, Equipment, and Services

GSA Advantage!® Disaster Relief provides federal agencies with supplies and equipment to support disaster relief and emergency preparedness.

MAS IT products and services can be used to provide "preparedness, response, and support solutions" during an emergency. The IT center also provides "related state and local procurement programs under the cooperative purchasing program," including disaster recovery, which provides emergency response. Learn More >>

For Vendors Offering Relief Supplies and Service

  • Businesses holding GSA schedules may be tasked for government relief efforts.
  • Vendors not on schedule may request to be emergency procurement sources.

Learn more about offering relief supplies >

Asset Management Practices and Authorities

Asset management guidance is provided to federal agencies by GSA on the appropriate use of aircraft, motor vehicles, and personal property during times of emergency.

Emergency Information for Government Personnel

GSA's Office of Government-wide Policy issues bulletins that inform agencies if provisions of the Federal Travel Regulation are waived in emergencies. These include the authorization of actual subsistence expenses for official travel (both TDY and relocation).

Damaged GSA Fleet vehicles should be reported to Penny Hargett at GSA's Accident Management Center by calling 800-325-2958 ext. 54008 or email penny.hargett@gsa.gov. Visit GSA's Motor Vehicle Policy page for assistance in managing your government fleet.

Emergency Authority for Government Charge Card Use: Purchasing goods and services during emergencies with government charge cards is allowed.

Per Diem Rates: If necessary, exceptions to existing rates for travel to impacted areas may be issued. Announcements will be available here. Visit domestic per diem rates for regular rates.

Advice for temporary duty and relocation of government employees in affected areas is made available via GSA bulletins and other announcements.

Other emergency news and announcements will also be made available when issued such as:

Also, GSA's Travel Management Policy Office answers FTR related questions.

Last Reviewed: 2020-08-28