International Macroeconomic Data Set

The ERS International Macroeconomic Data Set provides historical and projected data for 189 countries that account for more than 99 percent of the world economy. These data and projections are assembled explicitly to serve as underlying assumptions for the annual USDA agricultural supply and demand projections, which provide a 10-year outlook on U.S. and global agriculture. The macroeconomic projections describe the long-term scenario that is used as a benchmark for analyzing the impacts of alternative scenarios and macroeconomic shocks.  The projections assume there are no changes in policy and abstract from business cycle effects.  Historical data are available for real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, population, and real exchange rates from 1969 to the most recent available year, and each variable is projected forward to 2031.

Data Set Last Updated Next Update
Baseline Data Files
Real GDP (2010 dollars) Projections 1/3/2020
Population Projections 1/3/2020
Real Exchange Rates Projections 1/3/2020
GDP Shares by Country and Region Projections 1/3/2020
Real Per Capita GDP (2010 dollars) Projections 1/3/2020
GDP Deflators (2010 base) Projections 1/3/2020
Consumer Price Indexes (2010 base) Projections 1/3/2020
Historical Data Files
Real GDP (2010 dollars) Historical 1/3/2020
Population Historical 1/3/2020
Real Exchange Rates Historical 1/3/2020
GDP Shares by Country and Region Historical 1/3/2020
GDP Deflators (2010 base) Historical 1/3/2020
Consumer Price Indexes (2010 base) Historical 1/3/2020
Real Per Capita GDP (2010 dollars) Historical 1/3/2020

Last updated: Thursday, January 09, 2020

For more information, contact: Steven Zahniser