Focus On Bioengineering Research

Focus On Bioengineering Research

Researcher looking through microscope lense. Focus On Bioengineering banner image.

NINDS Program Description

Bioengineering applications may be funded by NINDS if they focus on technology development relevant to normal or disordered neural function and to the prevention, repair or replacement of compromised neural function. Funded applications include partnerships that span academic entities (biological, bioengineering, biomedical groups), device industries, commercial distribution companies, medical instrument companies, small business concerns, etc. Final stages of translation for FDA investigational device exemption (IDE) and early-stage clinical trials might be a candidate for one of the NINDS cooperative agreement programs. To search the bioengineering projects funded at NIH please go to NIH RePORTER, or select bioengineering research in the categorical spending. Many of the NINDS funded bioengineering research focuses on neural interfaces, including neuroprostheses, neuromodulation, brain-computer interface (BCI) devices, prosthetic control, and neural interface technology development.


Estimates of Funding for Various Research, Condition, and Disease Categories

Research/Disease Areas* FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
Bioengineering $3,841 $4,106 $4,420 $4,110
Biomedical Imaging $1,361 $2,083 $2,242 $2,089
Nanotechnology $398 $444 $475 $440
Biotechnology $6,433 $6,556 $7,012 $6,491
Assistive Technology $296 $299 $316 $287

*Dollars in millions and rounded

Resources and Tools

The BRAIN Initiative webinar series consists of 30 minute presentations from BRAIN-funded investigators developing recording and modulation technologies.

The BRAIN Initiative webinar series consists of 30 minute presentations from BRAIN-funded investigators developing recording and modulation technologies.