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2013 World EAP Conference 2013 Call for Proposals   2013 World EAP Conference 2013 Learning Center

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Call for Proposals

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About EAPA

The Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) is the world’s largest, oldest, and most respected membership organization for employee assistance professionals. With members in over 40 countries around the globe, EAPA is the world’s most relied upon source of information and support for and about the employee assistance profession. EAPA publishes the Journal of Employee Assistance, hosts the annual World EAP Conference, offers online training and other resources.

EAP NewsBrief

This week's NewsBrief features:

  • Benefits consultants predict a new era for EAPs
  • Study: Most people in addiction treatment do not receive evidence-based care
  • Mental illness adversely affecting Canada's economic potential
  • Impending rules will guide equality for mental health
  • Could scalp electrodes switch off depression?
EAP NewsBrief Archive - (members only)

EA Events

First Annual Texas State Employee Assistance Professional Association Conference Announced
The First Annual Texas State Employee Assistance Professional Association Conference: "Bridging Work & Life" will be held at the El Tropicano Hotel in San Antonio, TX, March 1-2, 2013. CEUs will be available. For more information and to register click here.

North Carolina to Hold 34th Annual Conference
The North Carolina EAPA chapter will hold their annual conference, "The Dance of EAP: Taking the Next Step," March 20-22, 2013, at the Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel, in Charlotte, NC. For more information, view the conference brochure.

Future events...

EA Opportunities...

The 2013 World EAP Conference Call for Proposals is Open
EAPA's 2013 World EAP Conference program planning panel is looking for forward-thinking presentations that highlight innovative ideas and practices in the post-recession environment. A special emphasis is on evidence-based practices that can be applied in or adapted to EAP settings world-wide. The conference will be held October 16-19, in Phoenix, at the Arizona Biltmore Resort. Presentations should be tailored to the conference theme, "EAP Heats Up: Flourishing into the Future." This year's focus areas are: 1) Crisis, trauma and distress in the workplace; 2) The EAP/affiliate provider partnership; 3) Learning from EAPs in other countries; 4) Making the EAP case: defining and demonstrating the EA value proposition; 5) Weaving the EAP into the fabric of work organizations; and 6) Serving today's individual EAP client. For more information click here.

Department of Veterans Affairs deploys new online Veterans Employment Toolkit
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a new online Veterans Employment Toolkit. The Toolkit was designed to help employers, managers and supervisors, EAP and HR professionals support veterans in the workplace. The online toolkit provides information about the value veterans bring to the workplace, material describing the military experience and culture, common challenges vets may experience in readjusting to civilian life and how to support individuals during that transition.

Following Newtown tragedy, EAPA joins petition for improved mental health services
EAPA has endorsed and signed on to a letter from leaders in the mental health and substance use fields on the Newtown tragedies. The letter called for improved mental health education, prevention, early intervention and community-based behavioral health care. EAPA encourages its members and other behavioral health professionals to view and sign on to the letter as individuals here. Signing the online petition will automatically email the president, speaker and president pro tempore, as well as the signer's representatives. As EA professionals, we have both personal and professional stakes in seeing that national, community and workplace leaders take needed action to reduce the likelihood of future tragedies. The new year presents an opportunity to make sure that EAPA and the EA profession are part of the solution for a growing national problem.

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Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Inc.
4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 740
Arlington, Virginia 22203
Telephone:  (703) 387-1000  Fax: (703) 522-4585

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